Why (or why not) to vote for Hillary Clinton

Interesting conclusion and analysis.

No “particular” reason :neutral_face:

However, it is just another way of saying “Why to vote for Hillary Clinton” or Why (** *** ***) to vote for Hillary Clinton."

You posted:

“Speaking of which, you know astroturfing violates the community guidelines around here, right?”

This is something you posted around here:

Hillary Dennis Rodman Clinton is the greatest presidential candidate ever to undergo a candidation! She is the most progressive, the most moderate, the most prudent and also the most fearless, she has already done everything you ever wanted her to do since she has been in government forever and ALSO IS ABOUT TO DO all those things, FINALLY, next year right after being sworn in as the 45th PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES a position for which she is the most qualified candidate EVER! She is the ultimate insider and the ultimate outsider and the fact that she happens to be married to a former president who is not eligible to run again is simultaneously HER GREATEST QUALIFICATION and also COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT you damn dirty sexist.

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What are you going to do after election season is over?


I’ll take “Examples of concern driving trollies” for $400, Alex.


I think there is actually a thread for that.


And it was fucking gold.

@smulder was quite obviously taking the piss out of you, so your bringing it up as some kind of attempted retort is a total non sequitur, just like so many of your supposed answers.

You’re a slimy sham, with less actual substance than aerogel. Your ilk deserves to be the first against the wall. You come across like a goddamn bot.


Go back to selling arsenic for babies. And yet, sleeping like one.


And Sanders has been collegial and light on her, only talking about the areas where they differ. Trump is going to go full-on Trump on her, and he is a master at tearing people down without it reflecting badly back on himself.


Bernie Sanders didn’t attack Clinton on emails. I don’t think politico, time, and the boston globe (the first three hits on google when I searched for a Hillary Clinton FBI investigation) are quite the Blaze or the Daily Caller. Until the FBI says the investigation has concluded, we have every reason to think there is an ongoing investigation into whether there was criminal wrongdoing relating to Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server. The crime in question would be improper transmitting of classified documents.

It is obviously extremely improbable that the FBI would want to be seen as interfering in a presidential election, and I given the way American justice works I don’t know if they’d charge Clinton with a crime if Glenn Beck showed up dead with her bloody handprint on his body. But it does seem weird to me that open investigations into criminal wrongdoing fly so low that they aren’t even worth a mention (though to be honest, if people do end up making a big deal of it I don’t even know whether it will play in Clinton’s favour, it seems that these days when people get attacked for wrongdoing they just parlay it into convincing everyone they are the lone voice of reason in a world of insanity).


Are you saying he’s a master baiter?


:clap: :clap: :clap:


I can’t ignore it because it’s simply not true. Unless you’re a wealthy bankster, war profiteer or nuclear plant operator.

Former president Clinton’s record - which included foreign policy atrocities and a great deal of pandering to telcos and silicon valley - does not really have any meaning here and there’s no point in discussing it. Former president Clinton is not running for office and Barack Obama’s presidency continued the policies of George W. Bush, not Bill Clinton.

Barack Obama, who I admire for his intelligence and ability to speak well, has to his credit that he attempted a stimulus package. But with the exception of that one, single, only partially successful initiative, his economic policies have been weak sauce, and well to the right of Ronald Reagan. He has done nothing to reverse the reassembly of the above-the-law telco monopolies or the too-big-to-fail banks; he has continued to prosecute war all over the world without raising taxes to compensate, and during his tenure the so-called “jobless recovery” has resulted in more and more of the economy being held in fewer and fewer hands. Claims that our economy is doing well do not impress anyone who’s keeping track of median income for laborers and middle class families.

In short, Barack Obama has not improved the economic situation for anyone but the richest 10% or less of the population in this country. Because I believe that structural racism in this country is founded on and sustained by economic and environmental inequity, I had hoped that having a black president might cause greater changes in those areas, and I am deeply disappointed by his continuation of the Bush/Cheney economic and environmental policies.


With those hands?


There are still certain aspects of the economy that are systemic and still need improvement. However, politically motivated and fallacious talking points on the economy will not erase the fact that the economy has improved significantly under President Obama; and the economy did well under former president Bill Clinton. The numbers are fact.

The African-American community as Bernie Sanders and his supporters should know by now–are overwhelming in support of President Obama and Hillary Clinton. African-Americans know what the African-American unemployment rate was in 2009 at the height of the great recession, and after a significant drop, what it is now. The same thing is true for the Hispanic/Latino community.

In states controlled by democratic state legislatures and governors, the median household family income is astonishingly higher (well above the national average) than in states controlled by republican state legislatures and governors (far below the national average). If every state in the union were controlled by democratic legislators and governors, there would be no one talking in earnest about a somber economy.

The significant improvement in the economy and acknowledging it while giving credit to democrats under the leadership of President Obama, is the reason why Hillary Clinton has a insurmountable lead over Bernie Sanders. The significant improvement in the economy and Bernie’ s initial lack of acknowledgement, is the reason why Bernie Sanders has done so poorly with democratic voters overall–and done so poorly with minority voters–and will continue to do so.

The factual numbers on the improvement in the economy will be front and center in the general election. If you had a white republican president who had accomplished what President Obama has with the economy, republicans would be raving about the economy and how well it is doing. Republicans rave about Ronald Reagan on the economy and President Obama has outperformed Ronald Reagan on the economy.

In the end President Obama will go down as one of the greatest presidents America has ever had. Presidential Obama’s poll numbers are rising because American’s are starting to see through the politically motivated and fallacious talking points on the economy.

Last night on MSNBC’s “The Rachel Maddow Show”–Rachel called out Bernie Sanders new strategy of moving forward with a contested democratic convention this summer in Philadelphia.

Towards the end of the segment Rachel stated that Hillary’s lead was insurmountable-- and called Bernie’s contested convention strategy “Fantastical not the same thing as Fantastic”

This coming on the heels of Ben Wikler, the Washington director of MoveOn.org, (who supports Bernie) disagreeing with Bernie over how superdelegates should vote.

“[S]uperdelegates shouldn’t overrule the will of the Democratic grassroots,” Wikler said. “If the primary and caucus winner is Hillary Clinton, then Clinton should be the nominee. If it’s Bernie Sanders, then Sanders should be the nominee

You should be deeply disappointed at our elected officials bragging that they would not do their job, because they would categorically fight anything Obama wanted, period. You can’t push legislation through a brick wall.


Median income ignores the fact that there’s a lot more people under it than there or above it though.


Eh? The median is the population ‘middle’, so roughly half the population is below the median and half above.

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What choice?