Why (or why not) to vote for Hillary Clinton

Clinton: “Donald Trump is an ignorant misogynist bigot; his own words prove it”

Trump supporters: “Yes, we know, that’s why we voted for him”

Clinton is doing everything possible to hand this election to Trump. Purely negative campaigning based on a bizarrely persistent delusion that this is a business-as-usual election.

Just the thing to drive voter turnout through the floor. Add the effect of the GOPs voter suppression efforts across the South, mix in the additional impact of some election-day violence and intimidation by Trumpeter goons, and say hello to President Trump.


It has been foretold in the prophesies.



yep. I don’t understand it all.

I though it might be because Kissinger taught at Georgetown, but that was after Bill Clinton’s time.


New poll shows Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton opening up a double digit lead over Donald John Trump.


Outlier Poll?

Why (** *** ***) to vote for Hillary Clinton

No presidential polls this far out (five months) in a presidential election year should be taken to heart–be they favorable or unfavorable. The 2016 presidential election is one of the most important presidential elections in the history of America. The 2016 presidential election will decide the civic, social and political future of America, for years to come.

Vote for democrats up and down the ticket in 2016, in all 50 states and U.S. territories. Ignore any presidential poll; and vote with a sense of urgency, taking nothing for granted. Every vote counts, is needed and must be cast.

According to Gallup, remember in May and June: Dewey led Truman in 1948, Nixon led Kennedy in 1960, Humphrey led Nixon in 1968, Carter led Reagan in 1980, Dukakis led H.W. Bush in 1988, H.W. Bush led Clinton in 1992 and Kerry led G.W. Bush in 2004.

In May: McCain led Obama in 2008 and Romney led Obama in 2012.

If Sanders is the nominee, I’ll vote him in. The picayune offices don’t matter, and besides, that would only serve to embolden the DNC.

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Sorry to hear/read that.

Hope you change your mind, because your vote matters in this election.

ITA with you on this point. And, this was an immediate, on-point response, which is great.

Could you explain why you always type out the full legal name of every candidate, almost every time?



Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump

Bernie Sanders

I didn’t ask if you could type out only their normal-usage names…can you explain WHY you prefer to type their entire names?


I hope you are not vexed, piqued or nettled by the use of a full name.

My family and human interactions growing up.

Growing up, most people I knew had a middle name. A lot of parents would introduce their children in society using the full name–and especially when they were calling a child who had done something wrong.

I don’t “almost every time”–refer to Hillary by her full.

Here are some “almost every time”-- full names of people you may or may not know.

Louisa May Alcott

William English Walling

John Paul Jones

Alexander Graham Bell

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Frank Lloyd Wright

Billie Joe Armstrong

Rae Dawn Chong

Francis Ford Coppola

Jamie Lee Curtis

Anthony Michael Hall

Neil Patrick Harris

James Earl Jones

Jerry Lee Lewis

Mary Tyler Moore

Apolo Anton Ohno

Sarah Jessica Parker

Lisa Marie Presley

David Lee Roth

Billy Bob Thornton

Andrew Lloyd Webber

Thank you for that reply. This part, especially:

…helped me understand it as a social custom for you individually. I thought it had some sort of esoteric meaning, or was the best way to pull up quotes.


You’re welcome.

I’m not sure, but I think you and @chgoliz had the most productive discussion in this entire thread! Congrats to you both! :wink:


Speaking of productive.

This past weekend can only be characterised as productive for Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton, as she overwhelmingly won the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico primaries, inching extremely close to locking up and securing the democratic presidential nomination.

Hillary is now on the verge of making history as the first female to win the presidential nomination of a major political party.

:scream: Go Hillary! :girl:

Eh-- don’t call the nomination until the Californians have spoken. Odds are decent that she’ll win a majority of Californian votes, but if she doesn’t, her victory in the Virgin Islands will mean nothing at all.


Bernie Sanders and many of his surrogates are saying, they plan to continue to fight for superdelegates, even superdelegates who represent areas that voted overwhelming for Hillary Clinton.

Bernie Sanders, unbelievably–plans to try and encourage superdelegates to go against the will of their democratic voting electorate–and switch their support to him (Bernie); a democratic presidential candidate who trails Hillary Clinton by over 3 million popular votes and over 300 pledged/elected delegates.

Bernie Sanders is now planning to take the contest for the democratic presidential nomination–all the way to the democratic convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

In 2008 Bernie Sanders made the decision to endorse Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton, in the democratic presidential contest, as soon as Barack Obama had secured the required pledged/elected delegates and committed superdelegates, to reach the required number to become the presumptive democratic presidential nominee.

Bernie made the decision to endorse Barack Obama in the 2008 democratic presidential contest, a democratic presidential nomination contest–that was much closer in the pledged/elected delegates, popular vote–and committed superdelegates.

On this historic night, Bernie Sanders decision to continue to compete for the democratic presidential nomination–all the way to the democratic convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, becomes (in a understatement), both politically puzzling and perplexing.

There is still a big election night tomorrow; everyone should participate in the election process and cast their vote. All states matter–and everyone has the right to have their votes counted.

Tomorrow night’s important election is upon us, but tonight history has been made, as Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton, according to the Associated Press, NBC News and CNN, has become the first female in the history of the United States of America, to become the presumptive presidential nominee of a major political party.

Great night for little girls, teenage girls and women. Equally a great night for little boys, teenage boys and men. In regards to the upward cultural evolution of America, tonight is both a great and transformative night for the United States of America.

Hey, that’s what Clinton supporters have been saying superdelegates are for all along.

And the AP can go fuck themselves. Deeply unprofessional move to announce that millions of people votes tomorrow are worthless. Trying to dissuade Sanders voters from showing up tomorrow to help Clinton avoid an embarrassing defeat in California?

And as we’ve been told repeatedly, superdelegates are uncommitted until the vote at the convention so what they say they’re going to do today is worth precisely nothing.

I hope Sanders lobbies for their vote every day until the convention (at which they’ll all vote for Clinton, but whatever) That’s the system the DNC put in place, so they can suck it.


The fact is,

The Hillary Clinton campaign has never said that.

Bernie Sanders campaign is saying that.

Bernie may not have a lot of committed superdelegates, but many of them also committed to Bernie before any primary or caucus election was held in their districts.

Well both Hillary, Bernie and their respective campaigns, encouraged voters to participate in the election process after the projections were made.

My complaint about the AP’s behaviour is with the AP, not Clinton.

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