I think MAD is actually in the DSM compendium, entry sandwhiched between IBS (Insufferable Bastard Syndrome) and WTFIGOTMBPINAH (What The Fuck Is Going On Trump May Be President I Need A Hug)
I checked the DSM and apparently he’s a “dickhole”. That’s the technical term.
There was an interesting Cracked podcast about class in America, and one of its points was that Trump may be wealthy, but he isn’t high class, which is why poor white people consider him one of them. He spends money in a way a working class person might if they won the lottery. High class people want their names on everything too, they just go about it a different way. The nation is littered with Carnegie Libraries, but no one thinks Carnegie was narcissistic because of that.
Maybe because they’re public libraries, and not steaks and personal jets?
(I’m agreeing with you, I think…)
So, can someone explain to me why a douchbag like Keith Ablow can still call himself a psychiatrist after doing literally exactly this to Obama on Fox News?
Actually, it’s about ethics in psychology.

Narcissist, pathological liar, egomaniac, SOCIOPATH.
I’m not a shrink or a psychologist, but in my honest opinion, that person is all of the above… and probably even worse.
As much as I despise Trump and fear the possibility of his presidency, this ruling seems to be a general good thing in the concept of medical ethics and practice.
Now if the parties required a person to be examined by a psychiatrist before allowing them on the ticket,that would be actually useful. But as that would probably eliminate most of the candidates they never will
I feel like Fox News puts out CL ads for people that fit the description of specific commentators:
Wanted: Asian female who is racist against Asians
Wanted: Hot Atheist Social Conservative
Wanted: Psychiatrist who will say Trump is mentally healthy
trump steak parody tiny orange doll-baby hands
I promise there will be no shortage, and has been no shortage, of qualified and unqualified people offering their opinions of mental illness on every political candidate. The Goldwater Rule is absolutely a good thing when you think about the ethics of it. When you think about your ability to joke or insult people based on mental illness being hampered, wait a second while I cry a river for your loss. Boo. Fucking. Hoo.
Maybe he’s actually an accelerationist:
Accelerationism is the notion that the dissolution of civilisation wrought by capitalism should not and cannot be resisted, but rather must be pushed faster and farther towards the insanity and anarchically fluid violence that is its ultimate conclusion, either because this is liberating, because it causes a revolution, or because destruction is the only logical answer.
Not sure that’s much different after all though from just wanting to watch the world burn.
Presented without further comment…
I like this Vanity Fair article better:
Love this quote on whether he is a narcissist:
“He’s so classic that I’m archiving video clips of him to use in workshops because there’s no better example of his characteristics,” said clinical psychologist George Simon, who conducts lectures and seminars on manipulative behavior. “Otherwise, I would have had to hire actors and write vignettes. He’s like a dream come true.”
Oh, I have a comment; as someone who is actively wishing ill fortune on a person who could potentially do unfathomable amounts of damage to the entire world if he ever gets the chance:
“a separate study revealed that men who eat a lot of ground beef and other red meat — particularly if the meat is well-done — are at higher risk for aggressive prostate cancer. Trump is basically making himself sick.”
If that’s even remotely true, then I sincerely hope he eats as much well done steak as possible.
He’s such a narcissist, he thinks the term narcissist was coined for him!
Ew. He really is a monster.
Mad as a MAD magazine. Heck, I bet he even folds on the last page.
Given that there’s a good chance that Abraham Lincoln may have suffered from clinical depression* that’s probably a good thing.
*granted, the Don’t Diagnose People You Don’t Know rule could apply in this case.