Why the disgusting Red Delicious apple rules American grocery stores

I grew up across from a 35 acre apple orchard. Red and Golden delicious, Mcintosh, Grannies, macoun, and pink ladies all grown there.

Mcintosh drops were always best for pies and tarts. But right off the tree fresh to eat…Red Delicious were the best. Crisp and sweet. Great crunch. Loved them best, always.

So you want to tell me how much YOU think Reds suck, that’s fine. But how about that’s YOUR opinion and taste. NOT fact.

How do you like those APPLES?!

Read the article - had not known the word “pomological” - had an OCR moment.

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I haven’t actually checked, but I’m wondering if these coincide with big announcements from Cupertino.

EDIT: For example, the 04-26-2013 BB post came three days after “Apple profit slips 18%”.

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Exactly. I don’t think anyone really enjoys a mealy apple. But the majority of Red Delicious in stores here in WA are horribly mealy. All apples can be crisp if grown correctly, picked when ripe, and enjoyed while fresh. The problem seems to be that RD are chosen by growers because they fool more people into buying old, mealy apples.

My wife packed me one in my lunch yesterday. The inside was completely brown and horrible, and it was obviously going brown from the core out. Yuck.

Does make me think of Clementine oranges… I always loved getting the Spanish ones around December of every year – California bans them, so we are stuck with the CA grown ones that don’t even come close to the Spanish ones in flavor. Luckily my neighbor has some great mandarin trees that produce some tasty fruit.

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Your mileage may vary. Red Delicious apples are okay, and sometimes pretty good.

Remember when experts told people they should hate white bread and seek out multigrain and other types of bread, and there was a big backlash from people who grew up with white bread and felt it was part of their culture? That’s what this post smells like.

Does everyone else have time to read every single post, never failing to skim or skip sometimes? If Mark or Maggie or anybody else wants to say Red Delicious apples or gluten or sugar or cilantro is disgusting, they deserve equal backlash.

My perception of flavor is true. Y’all’s is inferior. Wrap it in bacon and cilantro, you philistines.

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