Why Thomas Edison made job applicants eat soup in front of him

But would you detect the salt? I don’t recall salt having any particular aroma.


Salt isn’t associated with blood pressure as a cause.

There are several forms or presentations of high blood pressure that are sensitive to sodium consumption. So it is common to recommend patients avoid salt, to see if it helps. And a lot of people you run into who limit salt intake are doing so because they have a blood pressure or heart problem where salt is an issue.

No one needs to be avoiding salt to prevent heart disease or high blood pressure. But it’s still part and parcel of treatment/mitigation if you end up there.


From the stated criteria, you’re doing fine, you tasted it first.
From the perspective of someone who wants to be able to actually eat the soup, probably not so good.

This is an oversimplification. If you have high blood pressure, is well known and proved reducing sodium intake has good probability to decrease the blood pressure.
Still is true thay a lot of people assume huge* quantities of salt without having hypertension, so the causative link is not so direct.

*Is quite easy to understimate your sodium intake, for example 300 grams of bread have 3 grams of salt, which are the daily recommended value. So we just a loaf of bread you already have reached your daily quota. So actually most people assume much more sodium than recommended.

** By the way, the linked article says that reducing weight is more effective to reduce blood pressure. In my case, reducing sodium intake made me loose few kg (I guess mainly because I have to avoid processed foods and snacks). Also there could be a confounding factor, i.e. to reduce weight usually you do more movement which itself reduces BP.




That’s an over statement. Cause that depends very much on the cause or form of the high blood pressure.

From what I recall with the vast majority of patients, diet has no impact on controlling it. Though weight loss and/or exercise with or without a serious diet change works more often.

Either way apparently most people have little luck with lowering blood pressure, or even stabilizing it without meds. And it seems like the consensus on primary cause is genetics.

High blood pressure runs in my family, may be connected to a congenital thyroid disorder. Absolutely no body has seen an improvement from diet or reducing salt intake, they all end up on meds.

The problem with that is those recommendations were set 30 or 40 years ago based on the now not so supported idea that salt consumption might be causative, and did have an impact on most people who already had blood pressure issues.

The new hotness on the subject is if the recommendations are too low as there’s growing research showing negative health impacts from under consuming salt.

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I thought it was going to be whether they knew to scoop the soup in the direction away from themselves, but that might be classist, IDK.

I think the real reason is that he had ASMR, and a bit of a kink. :wink:


I thought maybe he just had a lot of surplus soup, and he wanted to make damn sure it got eaten.


im sure it’s in the gestalt somewhere. smell is souper ( sorry ) complex and humans are mostly better at it subconsciously than consciously

even with that tho, i think most people add spices for the ritual. unless you’re just absolutely dumping salt and pepper in, it’s not going to change the underlying cooked taste substantially

not to put to fine a point on it, you’re just spicing things up. and usually even just the first bite or two. even with soup


Was it elephant soup? And I’m under the assumption Tesla hired by giving soup to his interviewees and seeing who could most accurately fling it at a cardboard Edison standup.


The test worked!

Came here to say this. All soup needs pepper. Freshly ground if possible, but any pepper is better than no pepper.


Came here to say this. All soup needs pepper. Freshly ground if possible, but any pepper is better than no pepper.



I would have chugged the bowl of soup, licked the salt off of the back of my hand, and then sucked on a lime.

Quite an assumption Mr. Edison was making there. The sort of sweeping generalized assumption that might make him not the sort of person he would hire.

Which actually might have worked for him, but for different reasons - like two such egos in the same place might not work for so long.

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So, what was in the soup?

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I heard the same story many times in college, always with different business “geniuses” as the source. None ever noted the irony of making a broad set of assumptions about a person based on a test to see if they make assumptions.


No hire, wrong order. /s
FTR: Lick it, slam it, suck it, is the correct order.
“Jose Cuervo, you are a friend of mine…”
@papasan, back me up on this?


9 out of 10 dommes agree.