Why vinyl LPs are better than CDs and MP3s

Couple that with this

*info on the picture if anyone is curious


Yes, the infamous “wall of sound” that was great for live performing and listening, but created all kinds of headaches for roadies, and also for live recording.


Vinyl warps or even MELTS if too warm. Stupid story - I once gave a record album to my girlfriend on her birthday. I sealed it inside the paper bag from the store and spray painted her name on it. Since the paint wasn’t drying fast enough, I put the package (with the record inside) under a heat lamp. As you might guess, when she opened it the vinyl was badly rippled. Confession: I got it replaced by telling the store it was damaged when first opened. But vinyl can bend even in milder conditions.

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This is why shipping vinyls can be a crapshoot. You never know how hot the truck or warehouse might be.


But does it go to eleven?


But can’t you just make 10 louder?


In support of your arguement, I shall leave this here for all to enjoy.

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that xiph article gets trotted out every time. it’s been rebutted multiple times.

Not by anyone credible.

Them’s fightin’ words! The Mercury Living Presence recording (also with real cannons) is the definitive 1812 Overture!

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Only if you’re the ultimate arbiter of what’s credible.

I’ll have to find that one… would be interesting to compare it.

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References to anything to support your assertion?

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