Why would anyone want to watch a movie with Mel Gibson in it?

This is why i am all for how the UK does its shows. They do a small number of episodes, and they typically only do a few seasons. There are some exceptions like Dr. Who but for the most part they seem quite keen on mini-series type of output to keep quality programing and frankly i like it.


I feel like there’s so much contradictory information on MJ that I can’t say with any certainty what really did or didn’t happen. But I think a lot of people are prejudiced against him simply because he was undeniably weird and the assumption that a grown man who likes to hang out with little boys must be hiding something. Maybe he was guilty as sin, but I don’t think most people who condemn him do so because of clear information pointing to his guilt.

Mel Gibson, on the other hand, is pretty obviously a dirtbag amply caught on camera and audio being a dirtbag.


Mel Gibson and Marky Mark? Some of the least appealing casting in recent years.

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Well. . . I still enjoy the first two Mad Max films, they are well put together, and knowing that Gibson is racist and sexist and a creep doesn’t change that. Same with “Gallipoli” and probably some other early Gibson flicks I’d have to google to remember. But of course that’s not the same, those are old films not current projects.

I probably wouldn’t go see “Daddy’s Home 2” if Gibson wasn’t in it, but let’s say he made some deeply moving film the critics were raving about, that would be harder for me to dismiss.


The most recent Mad Max has nothing at all to do with Mel Gibson and doesn’t even bother advancing a reason that someone else is playing the character (or someone named Max). Beautifully shot and edited movie about bonkers people driving bonkers vehicles around a desert wasteland and things blowing up splendidly, if that’s your idea of a good time (it was mine).


Maybe, just maybe his interaction with young children wasn’t sexual. That’s a big if, but say that wasn’t the case, it still wasn’t a healthy situation and if i were a parent i would not be keen on such a thing taking place with my kid.

However one must also consider the kind of abuse he suffered at the hands of his father, brothers (there’s reports of his brothers forcing a woman on him when he was still underage), and the problems his immense fame brought him from such an early age. I don’t bring it up to excuse his behavior, but i think it’s something important to keep in mind when talking about his behavior and quirks.


Most children who knew him insisted that he’d never done anything untoward, and the general opinion of most of his companions was that he was essentially asexual. I certainly don’t know the guy well enough to make any conclusions, but I’ve always thought he was likely more guilty of being ridiculously naive than anything; this is a person who’d happily admit to “sleeping with young boys” (as in, having sleepovers with them) and figured that nobody would question his innocent intentions. But obviously things don’t work that way in reality.


Ironic, forthe former lead of “What Women Want.” Lessons not learned.


I think you mean “producers”.
Writers would love to have lots of work on a variety of different shows. Producers want consistency and things will be kept going until either even the mass audience detects the bankruptcy or a New Big Thing somehow happens.
Some people like the idea of doing basically the same thing forever. One of my kids has a father in law who left university, went to work for an engineering firm, and slowly rose up the ladder doing more or less the same job as the department expanded, until he retired after 43 years in the same building. It pays the bills. But people whose job is to be more creative aren’t really likely to ring the changes* forever. Quite the reverse. A success may allow you the financial freedom to go off in a different direction.

*Edit - a Britishism based on the English method of ringing church bells, in which the bells are rung in a mathematical, tuneless sequence that can go on for a very long time before it repeats. It can be expressed conveniently using group theory. So the word “change” is misleading; it is the appearance of change without any actually happening.


Like i said above, if that’s the case the situation is still not really healthy. Clearly MJ was robbed of a normal childhood because of his father’s desire to strike fame, so i have empathy for any suffering he had in that respect.


Agree, but to me it seems then that we’d have to necessarily change the metrics by which they get those opportunities. How can we do that when all concerns fall second to profit? Gibson would’ve been exiled from Hollywood long ago were it not for the simple fact that his movies sell.

Is Harvey getting shunned in Hollywood because of his actions, and the pain that inflicted?

No. Too many of the folks at the top make their hay by grinding up and spitting out real human bodies, with little care as to how the individuals left in their wake might reconstitute themselves. I’m sure most of us here are aware that Harvey (Mel) is not the outlier, not unique, and there will be no true reconciliation of this fact because that ain’t how business works.

When Harvey can again prove he’s not poisonous to profit, he will return, sure as the sun will rise, as sure as his victims will be forgotten. We can scream into the wind for aeons, until our breath completely escapes our bodies, oh the cosmic injustice of it all, the sheer terror these madmen wreak, the tragedy that tails behind them…

But we continuously reproduce these madmen. They are ours, of ourselves, our shared creation. They are my twisted visage in a shattered mirror, your reflection in the prismatic flashes of oil slicks washing down storm drains after a hard rain.

It won’t stop until we own that. Every last toxic cell.


I have a solution to most problems plaguing the entertainment industry lately…


But yet, I know that one day I am fated to see The Beaver.


It really was a great film on many levels.

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That’s what rings false to me about any accusations that took place after 1994; once someone has even been accused of child molestation, what kind of parent willingly lets their kid hang out with the accused unsupervised, even if the accusations turn out to be not true at all?

What kind of parent takes that risk, other than an opportunistic one?





Who is “we”?

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That was Paramount AND CBS and they were extremely in the right to do so.

I know, and I said as much in a subsequent comment. If you’re going to reply to me, then at least skim through my comments in the thread so I don’t have to repeat myself.

Instead of getting into a futile argument over legalities and alternative options, this is where we’re going to agree to disagree. Cheers.