Wild cop conspiracy rumor

Yeah. Guess I should turn that expression around the opposite way. But then, some POC are Republicans, so that’s nonsensical too. Meh, nevermind, scratch the whole thing.


Well, we could go with “Not all humans are racists, but all racists are humans.”. But I’m not even sure of that, in some cases.


I’m not either! :wink:

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Me and John Waters got your back!


What is this “preventative care” of which you speak? I think Dubbya had those words scrubbed from all the 'merican textbooks.

Don’t forget questions. “Asking questions makes cops afraid to take actions that may appear thuggish”. Too tired/impatient to find/post the link on this tiny phone.

I’m dressing as the FLQ for Halloween!

We’re doing “fleeq” with a “q” now?

I’m down. I’m fleeqing over it right now.

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The establishment’s solution thus far has been to generate bullshit jobs; I’m not sure I see any ceiling on that.

You forgot lesbians

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