Willem Dafoe wanted to be left alone while filming Togo

Personally, I think the whole “don’t look” thing goes too far over the line. It’s like getting mad at people for overhearing a discussion in public you don’t have the sense to have behind closed doors.

Well, there is looking, and there is staring… two different things. I can see how people staring and gawking would be distracting, rather than someone walking past and happening to look at him.

And of course, some of this could be lost in translation kind of stuff, like he said, I’d like to not be disturbed and not have to sign autographs during filming (which I think is fair enough)… and the people working for him or the film might have laid this out.

Of course, it COULD have been him as well, we just don’t actually know.

And there post has not supporting evidence to show that any of this is true in the first place - no article links, no response from the film or Dafoe… nothing. We’re actually ALL sort of going on speculation and rumors and our preconceived notions of how hollywood celebrities behave. And a search on the googles show only this story… so… :woman_shrugging:


I’m not sure what that has to do with you seeing your students as a distraction…

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Both were jokes.

I’ve come to believe (rightly or wrongly) that the going-out-to-the-movies experience is dying. This is the future, everything will come direct to your home via a streaming service.

On a side note, Balto already dealt with the same subject matter. Other than Togo being “smaller and, therefore, even BRAVER than Balto!” I’m not sure what new ideas this brings to the already covered history.

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