Originally published at: Winning greyhound tests positive for meth | Boing Boing
Great, somebody found a way to make dog racing even more hideous…
Those poor dogs. My sister adopted a rescue greyhound years ago; a wonderful, very good boi…
Wait until you see how performance enhancing drugs have infiltrated the world of competitive Whippet Lifting.
The governing body did a nice job of doing nothing, the animals welfare should be top priority, maybe next time. BTW: Racing any animal is abuse, plain and simple.
They were tipped off when it spun around 30 times before lying down.
Been here before giving out about racehorses in Ireland, well the greyhound racing scandal predates that and involves lots of drugs, abuse, neglect, governing body turning a blind eye while pocketing nice fat cheques from the government.
The tide is turning, people are now acting as if enough was enough. I suspect they may be on their last major handout and won’t survive the recovery
Lots of dogs will be available to adopt though. Which is great as I believe there is a shortage.
It’s nothing new. They’ve been dope testing in greyhound racing for at least the past 40 years to my knowledge.
It is a pretty unpleasant business. Everyone is out to win and that can certainly bring out the worst in people.
I’m not in favor of doping by any means, but meth is just like… That’s a whole new level of ducked up.
This is George. He was my rescue. Best dog I ever owned. Yes, that’s the stuffed bear he used to love sleeping on. Sorry for the potato quality, but the scan was made back in 1995, tech wasn’t as good then.
Fuck everyone involved with racing these beautiful, wonderful dogs and the abuses they put them through.
I’m surprised it was a greyhound. I always hear about meth being found in a lab.
But seriously, that’s disgusting and dog racing seems all kinds of hideous.
Pretty sure greyhounds randomly produce a natural methamphetamine. When they are not, they are couch potatoes.
Oh boy is that ever awful
(It’s not actually a case of doggy-doping if you thought I was serious, it’s a whippet with an unusual hormone condition)
Greyhound racing became illegal this year in Florida. I’m guessing it was a really good year for that to happen considering the covid shelter-animal shortage. Hopefully we can stop it in the 14 other states where it is still legal (and New Zealand for that matter).
“somehow became exposed”