Middle-school teacher arrested for allegedly hiding meth in her hair scrunchie during school's "family fun night"

Originally published at: Middle-school teacher arrested for allegedly hiding meth in her hair scrunchie during school's "family fun night" | Boing Boing

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What a “fun” teacher! Oh the stories this will spawn in the school.


It looks like drugs are winning the war on drugs.


When it’s cannabis winning the war on drugs, I’m more inclined to cheer. Meth winning is a lot less fun.


No problem with people doing drugs on their own time, but people need to be responsible and keep that shit safe and secure around kids. This firing is ok with with me.


They have always been winning. It was never even a contest.


Our area is in meth hell. Could not agree more. Seen way too many women given a choice of meth or their kids, and gave up their kids. I cannot imagine an addiction that strong. Seeing the shaky, miserable, meth-mouthed parents in here is heartbreaking. Weed, sure, whatever. Meth? Hell, no.


A hair-raising incident not easily brushed aside. Hope they combed for evidence.


I hope she is able to get the help she needs.


I’m in recovery, and let me tell you active addiction is pure hell. I almost gave up everything, and I mean everything, including my kid, for my next one.

And that’s what scares me about fentanyl and synthetic opiods, they seem sent right out of central casting to make it impossible to get clean, under any means, once you’re hooked. I’ve seen people who absolutely wanted to be clean, wanted their lives back, go back out, because they got their brains completely rewired by some of these newer drugs, and were truly powerless to stop.

My wife just started Dopesick and asked if I wanted to join her, I told her no because I already know everything I need to know about the Sacklers (and if I said what I thought about them here I’d get a permaban), and people like them need to be punished beyond what is probably morally correct.


Just to add to what @AverageLiberalSlatie said above, this is literally what it means to be addicted to something for real. Your body gets to a point where it needs that chemical, or you feel like you’re going to die. Not to mention withdrawal symptoms are not fun. My drug of choice originally was alcohol, but I later developed an opiate addiction. This type of addiction is a disease. It’s not a matter of someone choosing drugs over their kids. They have a disease. It’s not a choice. Once you are in active addiction, you don’t have a choice. It sucks. I am grateful every day I never had kids. I would have screwed them up. Not because I wanted to, and not because I would have chosen alcohol over them, but because I had a disease. I was sick.


I mean, who hasn’t wanted to do hard drugs while attending “family fun night”?

In all seriousness, though, this is clearly someone in need of help. I hate to see someone lose their job, but I hope this will be the impetus she needs to get help (and that there will be the right people in her life to help her get it).


We were all taught in med school that addicts would hit bottom before they got better, and so that was supposed to be a good sign. My experience here (granted, it’s a weird slice of the problem) is that they just sink until they are gone. We have miserable resources for treatment, no real viable social support system, social services is stretched thin enough to see through. I have come to the conclusion that whoever came up with that “rule” has no earthly idea of what dealing with addiction was actually like. If I had lost my livelihood, my kids, my family, I think I would be actively courting death. Like I said, mine is a weird and probably not representative sample of the whole problem, but it is agonizing to watch it take these folks and leave kids orphaned or effectively so, having grandparents and great grandparents (in one case, great-great) raising kids who are affected by in utero exposure, and less-than-optimal coping strategies come to me for help. I have so little to give them. And so little that will help the kids. Honestly, it’s really fucking depressing. I need to go do something else for a while.


We have a saying in 12 step programs. Bottom is when you stop digging. It’s kinda true, even though that aphorism isn’t actually that helpful to someone in active addiction. But there is some truth in it. If you can treat an addiction in its early stages, people can, and do, stay clean long term without having ever really suffered or dealt out a lot of damage. I was pretty deeply addicted to alcohol, but I didn’t really lose all that much. And my opiate addiction got treated before anything got very bad at all, thankfully. So people absolutely do NOT have to hit some deep rock bottom before recovery. Not these days. Still, compared to other diseases, treatment options suck, and the disease still isn’t really well understood by anyone, including us addicts.


My DOC was alcohol, with others mixed in but I always came back to alcohol. My 14yo saw stuff she shouldn’t have seen and we’ve got her in therapy. The last 18 months or so I’ve been going to sessions with her about once a month where we talk about my addiction, and the absolute worst moment in my life, even worse than my worst moments in active addiction, was when she looked me in the eyes, ugly crying, asking me why I loved the bottle more than her. I felt so ugly in that moment.

For all of you that think drugs (including alcohol) are fun and games, let me tell you, I hope you never have to have a moment of reckoning like that. It is soul crushing.


I have told people before that there are a lot of things I would wish on my worst enemy. Broken bones, sure. Poverty, yup. But I would not wish alcohol withdrawal on my worst enemy. That was an experience I cannot adequately describe to anyone. Plus, it can actually be fatal. Anyway, we’re straying from the topic here, so I’ll end it with that. I’m glad you are doing better.


I don’t know if my personality is different, or I just got lucky, but I watched that show and more or less heard verbatim what doctors told me when I was on Oxycontin. First for surgery pain, and later to try to curb leg pain (surgery was supposed to fix it, it did not - unbeknownst to me, I had tumors growing on my sciatic nerve.)

I never abused it. I never crushed stuff up. I wasn’t trying to get high, I just want to feel normal. But I know a lot of people started out that way and watching Dopesick just made me realize I probably got very lucky I didn’t get addicted to Oxycontin and then something else. I am with you what I would do with the Sacklers in a locked room…

Eventually I got onto Ultram ER and Hydrocodone for bad days with a large dose of Neuronitin. After the FDA crack down on prescription opioids, I had issue where getting medication from doctors made me feel like a junky. I guess they were trying to cover their own asses, but no general practitioner wanted to have me. I found a pain specialist who bilked me out of monthly visit fees for scripts.

Fast forward, that guy retired, I found a new doctor, brought in all my MRIs and case history and he is treating me like a human in pain. I am on regular Tramadol now, twice a day, can’t take it at night or I can’t sleep, so I am just in pain at night (it took a decade to realize this was the case, and this effect really fucked up a big portion of my life.)

My pain is “managed”, mostly. Mostly.

I am “addicted” to it. If I forget my morning dose, around noon I feel like absolute shit. And a few years ago that specialist doctor wanted me to ween down for two weeks and then go off for 2 weeks, and I did it, but it sucked. I don’t like this fact, but with out it I just can’t function. The pain is too distracting. I can just imagine how much worse addiction on something more addictive would feel like.

Anyway - best wishes on your continued recovery, you can do it!

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