Wired just canceled Bruce Sterling's long-running blog

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/05/18/wired-just-canceled-bruce-ster.html


“I’ve got a blog here that’s old enough to vote.”

I think I’d be happy for Bruce Sterling to vote the blog. I think it would have a fairly liberal view of the world and might back a candidate that I could approve of.


Wired publisher Conde Nast is in such deep financial trouble

Hmmm further fueling the speculation that they pulled their Shadow Licenses suddenly to sell the property.

Is Sam Raimi rich enough to just buy the rights outright? I know he has wanted to do a Shadow film for forever. I think it would be in good hands.

His blog became self-aware and wanted to be emancipated. Conde Nast became concerned about the legal issues related to digital manumission and decided to just solve the problem expeditiously before things got out of hand.

I expect the blog to respawn after reassembly from code scraps found in disparate parts of the internet. In this timeline at least.


Nice to see Cory is not persona non grata with at least some of the BBers. I’ve added his https://pluralistic.net/ blog to my pinned tabs/daily read (though it needs too many clicks to be as usable as BB blog view) and so far it’s been worth it.


Is Cory done writing at the BB?

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That blog probably cost .0000001% of last year’s brie budget for Anna Wintour.


Huh… well thats news to me.


God I miss (easily curated) RSS feeds :cry:


I believe Cory’s new blog has one of those. Go check it out…


It definitely does. I added it to my Feedly list.

It was the Turing Police that shut it down.


The problem isn’t so much the availability of RSS feeds as that of good RSS readers (hence the ‘easily curated’ part). In the early 2000s I would open my RSS reader and would basically have my personal newspaper every day, with web comics, blogs and news. Somehow I have never been able to recreate this experience with modern technology.

And I am already reading Cory’s blog, of course.


Seems like he could do a podcast. There’s quite a myriad of formats and he’d be able to put as much effort into it as he wanted (or a complete lack of it, i listen to a couple of podcasts from Tested and neither of them are edited and have minimal production).


If so they came to the party way too late and failed to anticipate… counter measures.

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Sometimes the RSS posts are wonky and only show the header/permalinks section (in Feedly, maybe once a week, or so)

RSS FOREVER! (I’m wearing an rss shirt right now!).

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I regularly search Bruce Sterling on youtube to find any interviews or seminars he’s done lately. I’d totally be down for a Sterling podcast!


But do you believe that RSS entries should be a concise summary of the article that they point to, keyword tags, perhaps a small image?

Or do you believe in jamming the entire article into the RSS, complete with formatting and all images, as part of an array of the 20 most recent articles, which I have to pull every four hours or so to see if there are any new ones?


Yeah it can take me ten minutes to load the boingboing RSS feed.

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