Originally published at: Woman charged with making bomb threats at boyfriend's workplace so she could spend more time with him | Boing Boing
“Love look at the two of us strangers are we”
Crazy makes you do love stuff.
Or the inverse for normal folk…
Well this backfired. It’s hard to hang out together from jail.
When you’re That Woman in your neighborhood.
Dude, just RUN!
the level of stupid is staggering. i mean how long could it have possibly taken to find this woman? an hour?
Maybe the BF turned her in, kind’a kill two birds with one stone.
One hopes!
I’d call in a bomb threat just to get away from her.
The bulb, it is dim with this one.
We’ll see if they plan a jail break.
The only thing better than conjugal visit sex is fugitive sex!
Still a better love story than Twilight…
When I was in high school, there was a spate of bomb threats that delayed the start of school on a nearly weekly basis for months. Turned out to be a student that would call in a bomb threat every time she needed a little extra time to finish her homework….
She and Ms Blake sound like a pair of honor roll students.
Technically, everyone in Etna is “That Woman.”
Pittsfield is where I grew up. Way to represent, good citizens of central Maine.
This will all be made into a manic pixie girl romcom in a few years, I bet.
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