Woman convicted for pretending to be male during courting and sex with blindfolded girlfriend

It leads to some concerns. A trans person is having a one night stand- the partner freaks out and kills her - he claims it was self defense as he was being assaulted as she didn’t disclose.


I believe he was charged and convicted of rape. Following the line of argument I thought of the same case.

In this particular case, the person was not the person the plaintiff agreed to have sex with. She was courting her straight friend with a fake online profile and pretending to be a completely different person named Kye Fortune. This isn’t a trans issue at all, it’s clear-cut rape by deception.


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& caveart longus duckis dickis dongus

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“Honey, where’s my walking stick?”
“Oh, that’s a walking stick? I thought it was my birdildo.”


“Wasn’t there a case somewhere in Asia where a marriage was annulled because the wife had had plastic surgery before marriage and hadn’t told her husband?”



This sounds like the kind of incident that transgendered people would probably be angry about, because it plays into the worst fears and prejudices that wider society has about trans people.

One of the common tropes/fears/misconceptions about trans people is that they are trying to “deceive” others about their “real” gender for some kind of perverse sexual gratification. The woman convicted of decieving her friend is apparently not transgendered, but it’s a good bet than this stunt will reenforce that stereotype about people who are.


That wikipedia article is really weak. plea bargaining down from violent rape, impersonating governmental officials, laws that have yet to pass…

Then clearly there needs to be a distinction between when someone merely has the right to withdraw consent and end the encounter, and when someone has the right to use physical force. The ONLY time physical force is a justifiable response to sexual assault is when the assaulter is coercing by physical means themselves, i.e. forcing their victim. Even if the person actively lies to their victim or blindfolds them with clear intent to deceive, the only acceptable response, so long as they are not prevented from doing so, is to end it and leave (or make the other person leave if applicable). Under no circumstances I can imagine on or off this Earth is homicide or even battery a justifiable response to fraud. A legal system that accepts such a defenses as gay panic or trans panic is deeply broken and unreasonable.

Justifiable homicide does not logically follow from having the right to ask any question and refuse consent if it isn’t answered, or the answer is not what the person asking wanted, or the answer is discovered to be fraudulent. Any argument that a person should not be able to ask a potential sexual partner seeking consent anything at all and/or deny consent for failing to answer because that could lead to them panicking and killing the person is equally insane. The problem in those cases is not conditional consent, the problem is people getting away with murder because a court or jury was out of their flipping bigoted minds…pardon my French.

Makes me somewhat happier knowing it’s an urban legend.

They probably had a chaste marriage.

The same part of the brain that must shut off with people who “didn’t know I was pregnant until the baby dropped into the toilet” Just ask any woman who has been pregnant and carried to term - could you just not be aware of all the changes, the baby movement? It’s not just a river.

It may also be a rather gross lack of sex ed. Likely combined with natural stupidity.

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I have one friend who claims that her mother was so drunk that she was delivered in the footwell of the car without her mother realising it. I have no way to verify this, but she is an honest person (and an Anglican minister now).


Sorry, couldn’t help but post the video with fetal alcohero:


However, your friend’s honesty doesn’t come into play, as she would have been too young to remember. She’d have to rely on her mother’s honesty, and being too drunk to realise, she was perhaps also too drunk to remember the full details.
But yeah, it’s not an entirely uncommon occurrence.

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Yep, it’s one of those completely unfounded claims that nevertheless has some plausibility, because the mother did have a big alcohol problem and my friend has many related stories of neglect that she can remember. I guess aside from the potential damage to the baby, getting drunk is likely to loosen your muscles considerably and make giving birth much easier. There’s anecdotal evidence that it also increases your chances of surviving a fall, as you just stay limp rather than tensing up and increasing your injuries, and studies showing that it can increase your chance of surviving a life-threatening injury.


Surviving a life-threatening injury seems… Rather dubious. Especially injuries involving blood loss, since alcohol is an excellent vasodialator, I’d imagine someone who got a limb cut off would do better without alcohol, because they’d be more likely to go into hypertensive shock and lose less blood.

Although shock itself is very stressful, and could cause other problems on its own, and one is less likely to go into shock if they have a dulled pain response and an apathetic mindset.