Woman demands that plane turn back mid-flight when she realizes she forgot her baby at the airport

No pass given, but his asshole parents are most certainly to blame. Fred should have never procreated.


I love the idea of time machines (purely as fantasy, of course). Butterfly Effect, and all that. :slight_smile:

I carried my twin babies out to the car in the parking lot and then drove home with the groceries still in the shopping cart curbside. Twice.


Better than the reverse scenario, though.


I took that as part of the joke. Not like the woman would miss the lack of weight of the baby or lack of coverage, either bra or baby. So the priest should mind his own damn business.

On the second part, it doesn’t need to be a woman. At the lake with friends, shirtless because I’d been swimming. Holding the baby… Oh so cute… And bam, he grabs hold. When baby wants fed, baby wants fed. Boy was he disappointed.

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I loved the tone of of the air traffic controller at the end. You could hear his thought, “It’s going to be a long shift”.

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I’ve told this story before, but we left my brother behind at Godfather’s Pizza back in the mid-70’s. It was a total Kevin McCallister situation, with so many people in our group.


The plane wasn’t airborne, let alone “mid-flight.”
It sounds like the plane was taxiing and had to head back to the departure gate.

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This happened to me once when my son was a few weeks old. We went to an outdoor fair and I stopped to look at something. I walked away from his stroller, down a couple of stalls, completely forgetting I had a baby with me. It was horrifying, I cried hard and we had to leave.

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There’s already five Home Alone movies in the series, if you can believe it.
Of course the last couple were made-for-TV.


I can’t understand much of what’s coming through the radio because it comes across so distorted to my ears (honestly I don’t understand how pilots and air traffic controllers understand each other in any language), but the relevant English is actually a repeat of the Arabic, and the beginning and the end are the pilot asking whether ATC wants them “to return to the terminal or what?”

So you don’t miss much from the recording, if you read the story. Text over the Snap says, “Plane came back because a passenger forgot her baby in the waiting area.”

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Thank goodness no one is inhuman enough to separate a mother from her young child!





And you may ask yourself
Didn’t I have a baby when I got to the airport?
And you may ask yourself
Am I right? Am I wrong?
And you may say to yourself, “My God! What have I done?”


This is so, even if the aircraft is on the ground. Other languages may be used if there is no possibility of foreign pilots, but that would not apply here. The language they speak is a very bare form of English, so it is quite possible the pilot can speak ATC English but not have to drop into the local language for something unusual like this. My helpful reference was…

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I am always worried I will forget a bag at the airport. never have. I am also worried I will forget to stop at red lights or something like that. So far I have survived.

My baby’s latch is not that strong! Variation? Tongue ties?

It was a Saudi crew on a Saudi airline talking to a Saudi air control in Saudi Arabia.

The (sensible) recommendations are to have the ability to switch to English, it’s not a law, and it doesn’t mean English has to be spoken 100% of the time. And it’s not in many places.

Air control in Quebec, as one example of the many, is often done in French, and not just English.


Yep; your mileage may vary.

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