They finally found the Time Traveler’s Wife!
“I believe I’ll be having a word with Guglielmo Marconi when he’s born in 14 years.”
They had electricity in the early 1800s but it might have been a challenge to ask for 5V, 2.1A for three hours, not varying by more than 1%.
1.0? i’m not even sure USB was out of the Beta phase back then.
her “amatory” message: u up?
Sounds classier than “sexting”.
Virgin Mary was painting with her tablet when the angel came over trying to take a picture of her with his Xiaomi.
If you are a time traveller with an iPhone, then you probably also have some solar panels that you brought along.
Percival Dunwoody would be the exception.
Our treasured devices have become our vices: faux prayer books, preferred methods of divination, unceasingly consulted pocket Gods. They are our world. It’s no wonder we enjoy thinking that these adored little tyrants might be transcending space and time.
Charging devices was never an issue for the Enterprise crew. I can only assume the time travelers have a ship in orbit, plus holographically disguised research bases nearby. I mean, what is she going to do… stay in the village?
Only someone with an iPhone would stare at it while they fall off a cliff. Luckily the stalker will witness where she fell so the relatives will know.
If she was a Federation officer, she would be using a PADD.
Further, I do find it both fascinating and telling that the body language of playing 2048 or mariokart is near identical to that of reading a prayerbook.
Judging by her hand positioning, that is definitely a BlackBerry Retro X from the year 2122.
It does look slightly used however, so she is probably time traveling from about 2125.
If she’d been using Waze instead of Apple Maps, she would have gotten a heads up about the stalker hidden on the shoulder with a pink carnation.
Granted, if she hadn’t been using Apple Maps, she wouldn’t be lost in some God forsaken field in the first place.
Way too thick to be an iPhone.
She was wise to put a waterproof case on it.
The classy peasant with the flower met her on Bumble.
But what about all the currant bushes? ( old joke, like me)
“Drat, my battery is down. I need 500 cats and an amber rod!”