Woman in stolen RV leads police on a wild high-speed chase in California

Yes. Another tragedy, another day of (more than likely) mental illness in America. Where is the empathy? “You guys tell me on our chat, on our stream let me know”…

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This works pretty well with the Beverly Hillbillies theme song alongside it.

Cocaine is so 70’s. Kids these days can only afford synthetic narcotics. Cleaner fluid and kerosene.

Its almost like if the cops had not chased her, she would’nt have been driving so out of control, and a bunch of injuries would have been avoided.


I’m assuming drugs and/or alcohol were involved.


Once you’ve stolen the RV and the cops are after you(r Hot Rod Lincoln), what good options do you have other than continuing to drive away?
(Not that I’m planning to steal an RV…)

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All I can think of is :

So much space for bike lanes and street car !

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Go in a parking lot full of other RVs ?


That reporter was sooo excited, slow news day?

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This was the most West Coast thing I’ve seen in ages.

Nah, I bet she just rented it at Hertz

I skimmed through it. I loved how they were more concerned about the dog.

If she’d only had an EM-50 Urban Assault Vehicle…


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