Originally published at: Woman spends $120K to reverse her $600K worth of plastic surgery to look like a Kardashian | Boing Boing
Staring at nothing and whispering “Kardashian detransition” as my coffee steams into the bleak bright light of morning.
If only American society could do this.
That sounds like something you’d read about in a William Gibson novel. Or a Charlie Stross novel. Or Transmetropolitan.
Our obsession with celebrities over substance reigns supreme. I’m glad she’s found a different path and come to this realization, though. Shame it took so much money to reach that point.
I, for one, welcome our new Kardashian overlords.
No. No I don’t. Let’s just burn it all down.
@euansmith, that Cardassian is melting…
And of course, on my phone, there are ads for 28 day fasting plastered on this post. My emotions these days swing between rage and despair.
Should’ve taken the cheaper temporary route:
I see an ad directly before the lyrics start and another between the first three lines and the last line.
Are you trying to provoke Richey Edwards into coming out of hiding?
Meh, it’s her face.
That was quite a rabbit hole she went down. It’s a shame that she spent so much money before realizing the folly of valuing appearance above what’s inside her.
If only Rod Serling were here to savor this ending.
I pay fifteen quid for a haircut, though only every three months, TBH.
I do not begrudge this, and always tip another fiver.
I can’t understand spending mortgage money trying to look like one of those horrible people.
But it makes the people that run the cosmetic surgery, hair products, make up and fashion industries tons of money, though!
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