Woman thought dead bangs on inside of coffin during funeral

Originally published at: Woman thought dead bangs on inside of coffin during funeral | Boing Boing


Not the first to have succumbed to a near death experience.

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Which we have the terms “dead ringer” and “grave-yard shift”


I was really rooting for her, at the end there.


…Callaca apparently began banging on the inside of her coffin, causing quite a scene.

I imagine it would. I can’t really picture how awful going through her death twice would have been.

This sort of thing used to be more common. So it surprises me that this is the central mistake (oops, miracle) behind Christianity.


So… she wasn’t embalmed first? All sorts of questions raised I dont want to know the answers to. (Well, I mean, for this particular question, the answer is obviously: No, she wasn’t embalmed first.)

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I wondered how she survived all the formaldehyde and whatnot but then noticed it was in Peru. I’m assuming there’s perhaps a less “make sure they’re dead and toxic” form of burial prep than the US relies on.

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“Safety coffins” with a bell on the surface pulled by a string in the coffin were apparently a thing in the Victorian era because being buried alive was so common. However some sources also say that’s nonsense and it was never much of a real thing beyond some hucksters playing on peoples’ fears of said event. Perhaps some of the real historians here know more.


I can’t imagine the terror that woman must have gone through. I hate buried alive stories.

If my kid can hold it together, my funeral will be fun. An Annoy-a-tron in my casket for the funeral and a cell phone in my pocket that will ring during the rosary.

We really do have a list.

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That is beyond horrid, awful, terrifying.


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