You know, I started the day off with a rather massive argument with my girlfriend about this issue. She generally thinks I’m pretty fucking awesome, but she basically took your stance (sight unseen). This suggests two possibilities to me: 1) I am absolutely terrible at making convincing arguments, or 2) this is one of those topics where people of good faith can argue past each other forever.
I’m going with #2, not just for the sake of my ego, but because I do think I understand where you are coming from. I think we both can agree that the original vine-eographer’s decision to share this video was petty, and morally questionable. Just like we’d probably agree that the gossipy residents of Analogyville aren’t at their best when they inflict their forms of pre-internet justice. (Which, cozy notions of small town life aside, are just as likely to be unfairly divorced of situational context as an internet video.) And to be absolutely clear, I am not arguing that this woman won’t potentially suffer extra social sanctions from the exponential exposure (my gal raised the same point about the “other town,” and it’s a fair one, but more on that shortly…). What appears to be the major cross-argument, the place where neither you and I – nor my girlfriend and I – will be able to agree, is the actual/appropriate size of the sphere in which such social shaming does/should takes place.
For instance;
The ramifications are so clearly new and outsized with the internet that I find it incredible to have to explain it to someone.
Flip this, in all particulars, and you will see where I’m coming from. I find it amazing that anyone still thinks this is a “new” thing, or that it in any way changes our personal obligation to behave in a reasonably sane fashion in public. Public is public is public. The town is now the world, and this has been true for some time. I’m not saying that new technologies don’t increase the chance of personal embarrassment, and I’m not saying that everyone should deliberately enhance others’ embarrassment. What I’m saying is that whether only one person can see you, or one million people, your embarrassment is on you.
As to your quick points, in order;
- I don’t think you do know. I would posit that this is a secondary cross-argument point. Opinions on this incident seem to break pretty clearly along lines of non-service workers and people with extensive experience in the service industry. Maybe you are actually in the latter group, and have simply forgotten how humiliating and enraging it is to have someone go off on you simply because they know you have to take it. Of course the Apple employee is composed. He/she is fired or otherwise punished if he/she isn’t. Interestingly, the employee and fellow staff members are actually probably at greater risk of measurable fallout from this incident than the yelling lady.
- This is a tiresome claim. The internet is no more “forever” than the Analogyville Historical Society. Events may be recorded, but they only matter if someone goes looking for them, and knows what they are when they find them. We are talking about scale and time; the scale of the social sphere is indeed larger, but our attention spans are much shorter. Barring further developments, I suspect that people will be hard-pressed to remember this controversy much past the expiration of comments on this article. Yes, this footage could be rediscovered later, and prove embarrassing to the kid. Or it couldn’t. It’s funny that your hypothetical is the “definite” gospel truth, but mine is just a silly notion.
- Why were the onlookers drawn to the uncomfortable public scene? Because someone was yelling like a crazy person.
So, to be 100% crystal: from my perspective, this really isn’t about “defending” someone’s video vigilantism as much as it is about understanding that public actions are public actions, and that the public sphere is just larger. The “other bakery” may be 3,000 miles away, but now it’s just in another neighborhood. You (and my girlfriend) seem to think that there is a magic line, an Analogyville town limits of sorts, outside of which public actions should somehow become private again. I can understand how that feels “right,” but nothing can convince me that it is correct. To me, it all comes down to an insanely basic, old-fashioned concept; if you don’t want to be embarrassed, try not to embarrass yourself.
This has been fun, but since I can’t make out with you when we’re done, I’m going limit any further unresolvable arguments on this topic to my girlfriend.