Maybe, but my comment was funnier.
Welcome to BoingBoing!
That clarification is appreciated because death cap ‘shrooms are no joke. It’s a big enough problem around where I live that the government issues multiple warnings every year (right around now in fact) with pictures to try and get people to stop eating them by mistake. In certain parts of the world, everyone should know what they look like. Their toxicity is pretty terrifying.
Thanks for the friendly welcome, everyone!
Veronica, yes, their toxicity is terrifying. Some real numbers regarding their toxicity:
About 95% of fatal mushroom poisonings in the world are from amatoxins.
With medical treatment, 95% of those poisoned with amatoxins survive.
When it comes to poisonous things one could eat, I fear plants far more. Where I live we also have plants such as Monkshood and Water Hemlock. Either of those will kill far more quickly than any mushroom.
And because she’s racist as well as a liar and homicidal bint.
Thank you. Came here to say that myself!
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