Originally published at: Wonderful footage of fireball meteor over Idaho | Boing Boing
Nature is awesome. Amazing to think that thing was somewhere between the size of a grapefruit and a watermelon.
Slow it down (a lot) and here’s your soundtrack for it:
(source is the movie Your Name; the animated version of the comet in the movie is amazing but better appreciated in context of the film)
AllSkyCam specialized meteor cameras
The long tail product for capturing long tails.
Waiting to hear which of my meteorite-collecting buds has geared up and is en route to the likely strewnfield.
Was an inter-rossiter involved?
sorry, had to make emergency landing. didn’t think anyone was watching.
I’m just concerned that Idaho keeps getting mentioned on BB. Unless we can stop this people might start to believe it exists.
I always spelled it interocitor but I’ve never seen the script so no idea.
Try "Lucifer’s Hammer"by Niven and Pournelle for a good literary idea of what a serious strike would be like for humanity.
The scene of hundreds of surfers riding the “death wave” tsunami that is going to take out Los Angeles is a pure gem and I could see people doing it: 'We’re gonna die, so let’s ride one last time!"
Ha! Nor have I. I think we can both be right, along with every other potential spelling.
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