World responds to Trump's proposed muslim ban

I still can’t tell if Trump is serious about running, or if he made a bet with Stephen Colbert to put Poe’s Law to the test.


This absolutely correct. Every time he runs, he gets as far as he can without investing his own money. The race is just free advertizing for the Apprentice and his casinos.

The sad thing is, as obvious as it is, most people seem to be either unaware, or willfully ignorant of that fact. For example, most news outlets will never comment on it because his buffoonery is something that actually generates an audience.

The only thing that’s kept him in the weakness of the Republican field. Absent any kind of interesting option, people will just gravitate the the loudmouth, which can at least be mistaken for a folksy, straight-talking attitude.

I have spoke with a few hardcore republicans who speak well about him through gnashing teeth. It’s looking more and more like he’ll be the only stick they have to swing in the 2016 fight, so they’re grabbing on with both hands. At this point, they care about a party win, hopefully with minimal long-term damage.

Shh, don’t ruin the ending.


If a polling well national level presidential candidate is doing a full Godwin, I think people should be reporting it. Fascism needs light shined on it.


Every time he says something and doesn’t suffer in the polls, it embiggens him. He’s your lunatic racist uncle - who has billions of dollars and is running for president. I like to think he’s all talk for the purpose of talk - saying whatever he feels like to get the publicity (it’s working) knowing full well it’s all BS, illegal and/or infeasible. I hope I’m giving him too much credit,or maybe I don’t. I don’t even know anymore.

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You might want to hold onto those drones, just in case.

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How would that even work?

I guess we need to build a religion meter that can measure if you are a muslim.

It’s quite stunning that he’s treated by the media and a sizable portion of the US electorate like a real candidate/politician instead like the comic relief or little break clown he really is.

Lowest common denominator?


Sure there are some polls like that, but as I understand it a lot of these pre-primary polls tend to be heavily skewed by media attention and a couple other factors (like the fact that those involved in polling at this point tend to be the most ideological and politically engaged). And honesty if you look at all the other head to head vs Clinton polls provided on the page, the percentages are nearly identical Clinton at ~45 and any given republican at ~45. That makes me think at this point things are simply breaking down along basic ideological lines for these kinds of polls. Especially when you compare it against all the more focused info out there. And I frankly don’t think “a few more terror attacks” are going to push him to the for front. Look at the reaction to his latest nonsense. He’s basically suggested eliminating the 1st amendment and even his own party seems completely disgusted with him. More opportunities to go out of his skull like that certainly fires up his base, and attracts a certain kind of extremist or ill-informed frightened voter. But it crucially completely alienates anyone who doesn’t fit that mold. I doubt those people are going to switch teams, even Independents tend to vote regularly with the same party, but I can definitely see them staying home on election day.

But beyond that you’ve got the problem of Trump himself. We tend to forget that the campaign hasn’t actually started yet. Primaries have this weird thing where candidates in a single party have to differentiate themselves from each other, but can’t full on attack other candidates for fear of damaging their parties prospects in the general. And frankly Trump is dirty. There’s so much fucked up, illegal, or unethical crap in his background (much of it already public record) that once the gloves come off for the general election I really think any idiot could tear him apart. I’ve personally met 3 different guys, from 3 different NY construction firms who Trump defrauded for millions. I know another guy who was an executive in another NY construction firm, they refused to work with Trump for decades because of how well known his sketchy business practices were. A fair bit of his luxury buildings in NY were built with misappropriated city funds that were meant for affordable housing. And oh yeah he raped his wife. And that’s just the stuff I know off the top of my head. He’s burnt a lot of bridges and pissed off a lot of people and done a lot of things. I tend to think even a piss poor opponent could make hay out of that in a general election.

What does scare me though is the number of times I’ve mentioned this stuff to Trump supports only to have them smile and respond like its a good thing. One person said “Well he’s a shark, I’ll give you that” and then try to tell me that it just means he’s good at business. Trump doesn’t frighten me, I don’t think he’s even remotely electable and I have somewhere to run and hide if it turns out I’m wrong. Trumps supporters though? They terrify me. There’s this small loud core in there that perfectly understands what he’s saying, what he’s like, what he’s done. And they think all that heinous shit is a good thing. I really think Trump is well on his way to destroying whatever public presence he has. In politics or otherwise. But the assholes he’s pandering too are going to stick around for a long time, and he’s spending a lot of time getting them organised and fired up. That’ll be a problem.


I heard someone on NPR say that most people around the world dont understand our election process, republican and democratic primaries, etc. So all they decypher is Trump… President… hate Muslims. He’s so much in the news he seems important, which is scary. They dont even know who the Democratic candidates are.

Trump is completely washing the airwaves. You cant really report “Clinton has a 12 step plan for job creation” or “Sanders plans to eliminate taxes, Republicans disagree”. Who could hear or care about those headlines? So no one knows they exist.


If you look at the makeup of the Senate, Congress and state governments in general, you see that Republican candidates have enjoyed a great deal of success over the last few decades. But the people who voted them into office can’t help but notice that: Republican voters still pay taxes, government still exists, gay people still exist, minorities still exist, women still have some rights, colleges are turning their kids into not-Republicans, etc., etc., etc. It’s like the Republican voter has been systematically taken advantage of and the hard work that was promised has never materialized.

If the opposite had happened, if Democrats had seized more than mere presidencies, at this point I might be tempted to throw my support behind some inconsequential “progressive,” like a more public-meltdowny Woody Harrelson or something, just as a massive middle finger raised to establishment Democrats. What would I have to lose?

I did this.


Is it too early to start working on the time machine that will permit us to go back to murder Trump before he committed the Atrocities?


I think that ranks up there with one of the least flattering cover photos of any book I’ve ever seen. He looks like he’s trying to take a shit on a hotel balcony.


Of course not. According to some theories, time machines can only go back to a point when time machines existed. Therefore, you have to create the time machine now in order to prevent the Atrocities.

Luckily, mine’s almost finished. I’m just waiting for one part that future me has promised to send me.


I can’t imagine businesspeple giving a damn about it. anywhere in the world.


You are not typing the same things today as you were yesterday. So this proves that YOU ARE a time machine.


.sdrawrof sa llew sa emit ni sdrawkcab og ot elba eb ot tnaw tsuj I

C h a n g i n g speedswouldbe nice too.


"OK, what Jew cut my trousers off short?