Would you like a miniature pineapple?

something ate the insides out to make it hollow, duh!

we have tiny pineapples in our yard. they pop up here and there and i will move them in with others that grow together. the fruits never get more tha 3-4cm. some are red, most are yellow. they are prickly AF, hard and inedible. so, the fruit falls off and my pineapple garden expands.
i think they are cute and i exploit no person or resources to let them grow.


We’ve got a bunch of white pineapple sprouting in the weeds here.

Edit to add: These white pineapple have a very intense pineapple flavor.
Still too spikey in the blood sugar for me.


Plus it requires implements. A banana is a portable, edible miracle that you can eat any time and anywhere with zero preparation needed. This mini pineapple is not.

Also, this is Del Monte (as others have noted).

It will be interesting to see if what is describedin the last link above results in meaningful change or is just PR/human-rights-washing

(Sigh. What is it about Guardian links that means the onebox always strips out the images? Never used to.)


Erm. Yes I had this to consider (just eat it without the bloom spike!), but how hungry is that?

Or, maybe the little QR code on it is also exchangeable for a male contraceptive if you’d like to get the damn thing eaten but not commit too much more.


Chicago’s just not the same after the northern passage tropicals yachts started through.


french banana GIF


yes. i want them. this is what science should be doing for us. smaller pineapples would result in less waste, and even that is compostable. bring 'em on!

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