Would you try this octopus chocolate chip cookie, or these chicken skin fried pickles?

Originally published at: Would you try this octopus chocolate chip cookie, or these chicken skin fried pickles? | Boing Boing

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The chicken skin pickles sound rather toothsome.


Any food schtick that starts as way to “trash on vegetarians” is being obnoxious for its own sake. And all of these sound unappealing to me.



I remember in 5th grade the class goofball squeezed a bunch of ketchup and whatever else in a vanilla pudding. No intention of eating it of course, but it pissed off the lunchlady, who coerced him to eat it. He did, and smiled the whole time to everyone’s amusement :clap:. Kind of a dumb story, but not really different from this :roll_eyes:


Hrrm, I’ll skip the octopus. Pretty sure they’re self aware. It seems… wrong somehow. Like eating a great ape, elephant, dolphin, etc…

Full disclosure: I did like grilled octopus back in the day. With ponzu or other umami citrus goodness.


The “octopookie” is probably one of the more edible things he’s made, I suspect. I mean, Japan’s “unagipai” (smoked-eel flavored cookies) are quite good.

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Mmmm dolphin.

Just kidding

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yes, mmm dolphin!
as in dolphin fish, or mahi-mahi, dorado… not cetaceans.
oh, and totally agree with @chompachangas , i will no longer consume octopodes. i, too, used to like to eat it, but no more as i also believe them to be sentient.


Disgusted Charlie Brown GIF by Peanuts

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