Yes Milk is a totally weird commercial where a teacher turns into a giant stick of chalk in front of all her students

Originally published at: Yes Milk is a totally weird commercial where a teacher turns into a giant stick of chalk in front of all her students | Boing Boing


Brings back memories of French class. Language teachers are the best chalk throwers for some reason.


When I was in Catholic grade school the nuns threw erasers not chalk.

I drink close to a gallon of skim milk a week, no super powers yet.


I’ve never personally witnessed chalk throwing. Is it real? Isn’t it dangerous if it hits you in the eye?


Oh, you had one too.


It happens to the best of us…

I never saw it used as an actual offensive attack, but my English teacher in high school did use throwing chalk in her discussion of active versus passive voice. She always had at least one student who wouldn’t quite grasp the concept and thereby became her target student for the demonstration. In our case, the student was a young man named Whit. Thus the lesson became “the chalk hit Whit,” and “Whit was hit by the chalk,” with accompanying demonstrative action. Of course Mrs. Johnson was more than happy to repeat the demonstration several times just to make sure we all understood the difference.

I’m not sure if everyone in that class came away with an understanding of the difference, but I’m absolutely sure Whit remembers it to this day!


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