Yet another female game dev targeted with credible threats after speaking out on sexism

I don’t really see how gamergate gamertaint impacts actual discussions of corruption and ethics in gaming journalism, given that it’s not actually about that, and some of the very groups that were targeted by gamertaint (such as Rock, Paper, Shotgun) were active in seriously addressing issues of ethics in game journalism. It’s like the KKK claiming that white people in America are being subject to genocide and deciding that means you can’t talk about (real) genocide. You’re in the clear so long as you aren’t making any claims or arguments that are perpetuating the nonsense the hate-group is spewing out.


It didn’t help that the oxygen-thief who wrote the threats misspelled it.

No there isn’t, and there never was. One thing GG is amazing at is rewriting their own sordid history.


I have to wonder if you really do believe what you are espousing, or are you being intentionally obtuse. How could you want to be associated with any movement that has done this kind of harm? Especially when the facts simply don’t support your position. Gamergate is now synonymous with gamertaint to me. Anyone that supports it, is not someone I’m interested in hearing.


I never said that the attacks shouldn’t addressed. Just that they should be addressed outside of the sphere of gamergate. It’s not a very complex concept. On the contrary, your inability to understand something so simple is something you should be embarassed by.

Like many of the people in this thread you’ve replied with the knee jerk reaction that since I don’t completely hold the same assessment of this situation, I must be against you. Which illustrates the point I’ve made perfectly. Every discussion of these issues as related to gamergate is instantly polarized into an us vs them due to the emotionally charged nature of gamergate.

Yeah. My love for Adam Baldwin totally evaporated with his involvement. That’s big for me. I just can’t find it in myself to look at him the same way now.


I’m not associated with it. If you’d actually read the posts that you’re responding to, you’d see that I’ve criticized gamergate in every post I’ve made here.

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In regards to whois -h … = old phone book name lookup


Oh boy. Do you actually understand the concept of a straw man? Because you just committed another one. A straw man is when you misrepresent another person’s argument in an attempt to refute it, often attempting to make it appear ridiculous or reprehensible.

Example: I responded to your post about the importance of controlling the narrative of gamer gate. You then responded to that comment with “people driven from homes by bigots take it seriously” and " your argument boils down to,‘she asked for it.’" This all despite the fact that I never said that.

I responded to your point on controlling the narrative of gamergate on the merits of the actual narrative of gamergate. IE it’s not important to “win” gamergate. It can’t be won and no one in a position to change things takes the back and forth discussion surrounding it seriously. This is actually separate from the threats to individuals resulting from it. Threats can still be taken seriously even if the cancerous fight that is gamergate and all its entrenched agendas and rhetoric spewing is not.

Your subsequent characterization of me calling you out for the act of putting words in my mouth as “You calling women being driven from their homes a strawman” is another strawman.


Incidentally, I was reading this #GamerGate Survival Guide, with tips on how to avoid getting doxxed; it points out that most domain name registrars will allow you to anonymize the whois information for your registered domain. The registrar I use replaces my contact information with theirs, so they’re a proxy contact, for example.

The guide’s a good set of tips in general.


Mod notes:
1-No victim blaming
2-Stop with the snark and personal insults


Sorry, I’ve had years of IT experience. These proxies you’ve speak of are nothing more then common sense. Meaning if you don’t want your home address published, then don’t put it out. Which is the same as the old phone book. If you don’t want your phone number and name published, contact the phone company. You don’t have to list your home address either, a business address will do fine or contact the register to not list the address out. Or, not recommended, due to need some form of contact reasons, dummy address.

This “GamerGate Survival Guide” is just common sense, but a poorly written one from my point of view.

Please tell me you’re not talking about the burgersandfries chat logs. Do you seriously think that Adam Baldwin and a giant swath of the internet is in some kind of conpiracy with a couple hundred guys on a random unrestricted 4chan IRC channel? I mean sweet Jesus, has anyone that takes that nonsense seriously ever used IRC?

As I said before, that’s every bit as much conspiratorial nonsense as the stuff on the other side of the hashtag. It’s hilarious to see the nonsense people on either side of the hashtag will take seriously in order to build a narrative around the generalized group they wish to demonize.

Please, point out a better resource if you’ve got one handy.

It seemed relevant, given that people were pointing out that someone could be doxxed by means of “whois”. And I’m sure there are a significant number of people who’ve registered domain names, without realizing that their contact information would be published.

No, I think a dozen or so guys planned this on an IRC channel, because that’s what the available evidence indicates. And, there’s a well-known history of 4chan and 8chan participants planning elaborate shenanigans: Anonymous, LulzSec, etc. Others jumped in later, motivated by misogyny or at least indifferent to it; I doubt Adam Baldwin had anything to do with the planning, and just happened to give the whole thing some additional publicity, after it had already started.

Again: evidence of a conspiracy on the one hand, and no evidence of a conspiracy on the other.


You’re justifying your assumptions by assuming that a part is the same as the whole.

Also, the idea that a group of individuals intelligent and resourceful enough to be able to start a massive campaign like gamergate would plan it on an unrestricted IRC channel should set off some warning bells for most people.

Gamergate had been in full swing for weeks by the time those chat logs occurred. It’s every bit as ridiculous as the people who think that gamejournopro was evidence of some kind of conpsiracy in games journalism. Discussions on how to discuss something != a vast conspiracy to attack Gamers/Women.

Is it really so hard to look all supposed evidence with a critical eye? The way both sides are so willing to take any evidence of a conspiracy is why the discussions within gamergate will never be properly resolved until gamergate itself dies. Every times it finally has started to fallen into relative obscurity some new bit of gossp pops up and allowing it to revive itself.

I had not realized that Revolution 60 was out. I now have someone in the other room playing it.


pithetairos joined right before making the post. pisthetairos might have posted before on this topic but that would have involved using a different name. the rhetorical style does seem to be similar to that of other new members who were commenting on other aspects of #gg but this one is doing it in concern troll mode.


God forbid that someone actually want to discuss something after seeing it linked on their twitter feed :expressionless:


No, GooberGate had been in full swing for weeks when those chat logs were RELEASED. They were timestamped prior to Baldwin’s coining of the hashtag. GG morphed from organized harassment of Zoe Quinn, the genesis of which was documented in those logs.