Yet another reason to never go to Dubai: prison for sex ‘out of wedlock’

They have a very pretty fountain. Not worth the prison time, though.

This is the story I always remember for Dubai:

Welcome to BoingBoing!


You may be thinking of halacha rather than sharia.

Wheres the line on what is a “cultural law”?

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That’s a good point, but it would be pretty easy.

  1. Aggregate the foreign laws on what is legal.

  2. Default to the laws the foreigner is from.

So have the laws of another land be binding in Dubai?

I remain confused here. OT1H this does sound a bit like cultural imperialism but I don’t suspect that was your intent. OTOH why stop with Dubai? Isn’t it about time that all of the world got both 1st and 2nd amendment rights? :grin:

only bad thing are the neighbors

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You forgot one

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Well of course it is more complex than a few lines on a forum post. You don’t need full constitutional rights, but if you want to sell yourself as a “fun” destination, then maybe make sure the average things people do for “fun” are legal.

as was the reference you made, to which I was responding.

My meaning being -stuff like this post- by the Puritans (and others, many others too) is a LOT of the reason the constitution has the church/state separation. I suppose I mean the constitution would have to be UNwritten, not even rewritten. Dubai would be well served in adopting such a document - and their ‘culture’ isn’t what prevents it. As with anywhere, follow the money.

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Of Course.

If they want MONEY, they would allow all the things you can sell and generate money. To claim the taboo isn’t from cultural and religious traditions, I… I don’t know where else it could possibly be from.

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