Yevgeniy Nikulin, Russian charged in 2012 LinkedIn & DropBox hacks, now of 'great interest' in Mueller probe

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Russian officials have shown unusually strong interest in his case, arranging at least once to visit him in jail when the attorneys weren’t present.

At least he knew better than to drink “very special tea to remind you of Motherland” from the vacuum flask they carried in their triple-gloved hands. Or, judging by his erratic behaviour, perhaps not.


I’m getting the impression he is really proud of that car. Even Michael Knight allowed himself to be photographed apart from KITT once in a while.


Dead Man Not Talking

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Check out the lawyer of this hacker - the guy is all extravaganza, defending Russian underground including wannabe terrorists -

Btw, the line of defense is also special, seems like the hacker and the lawyer don’t quite follow each other.

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