You can call me AI

Regardless of whatever legal consensus is eventually reached on scraping for training LLMs etc, the two quotes in the piece show Suleyman to be wildly ignorant or wildly dishonest. Possibly both.


Weird to hear a software manufacturer saying that copyright doesn’t exist.


They keep calling it training purposes, like the original works are only used to give the AI a stiff workout, and not that the AI will easily spit out the works verbatim.

Seeing it that way is worth unencumbered billions for the CEO, but seeing it the other way is worth much less, with all kinds of complications. That might be influencing his viewpoint. :roll_eyes:


you know its getting seriously insane, when billionaire CEOs start to talk about themselves in the third person;

Softbank’s CEO foresees a future dominated by ASIs that are 10,000 times smarter than even the most intelligent person on the planet. Moreover, the billionaire said, he believes he was put on Earth to make this future a reality.

“SoftBank was founded for what purpose? For what purpose was Masa Son born? It may sound strange, but I think I was born to realize ASI. I am super serious about it,” Son told shareholders at an annual meeting last week

“Two years ago, I am getting old, rest of my life is limited, but I haven’t done anything yet and I cried so hard,”

Now, Son said he’s more clear on his purpose than ever. “This is what I was born to do, to realize ASI,”


“SoftBank’s billionaire CEO says he was put on Earth to create artificial superintelligence that’s 10,000 times smarter than a human—’I am super serious about it’“

He sounds very lonely.


The really weird part is that his name is
actually Masayoshi Son, and so he is referring to himself using the diminutive form of his name.

ETA: Nevermind, that appears to be an error in the English coverage. The Japanese articles quote him as saying his full name (孫正義).



speaking of which; ray kurzweil is still alive;

What is your own plan for immortality?
“My first plan is to stay alive, therefore reaching longevity escape velocity. I take about 80 pills a day to help keep me healthy. Cryogenic freezing is the fallback. I’m also intending to create a replicant of myself [an afterlife AI avatar], which is an option I think we’ll all have in the late 2020s”

sure, whatever…

“You can ask an LLM today very specifically about any theory in any field and it will answer you very intelligently

kinda loosing me here, ray…


episode 1 GIF

george GIF


Yeah, saw that earlier. Headline made me go “can you really call him an ai scientist?”. Maybe he is, but I’ve been associating him with the singularity pseudoscience for a long time.


Worse, you do a bit of digging and find out that by fixing your algorithms, and eliminating some old assumptions, the workload drops orders of magnitude and you can get by with a desktop machine.

I see in the paper “Scalable MatMul-free Language Modeling” a theme that I’ve encountered many times since grad school. One popular fluid dynamics algorithm at the time was called “SIMPLE”, which split the fluid flow problem up into parts not because that was algorithmically good or necessary, but because it made the problem fit on the old hardware for which it was developed. Fast forward a few decades and suddenly computers could chew on all of the parts of the problem at once, and solving the problem with SIMPLE took far, far longer. Today it’s LLM’s turn, and busting out of the constraints of GPU computing seems to drop their workload by orders of magnitude.

And the article does mention the potential, so frequently realized, for security oopsies that make cloud computing that wee bit less attractive.

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[ Linus Pauling has entered the chat ]


Heresy! There can be only one Techno Messiah™ and we’ve already got one!


One of the most powerful men in entertainment just called OpenAI’s Sam Altman a ‘con man’ who can’t be trusted


pity is, doesnt mean a lot if ari emanuel says it;

Emanuel first thought of Elon Musk, whom he called a “friend,” and said that they disagree on many things but not on the risks of AI. “If he’s nervous, then we should be nervous,” Emanuel said of Musk…“As it relates to Sam Altman, I think he’s — he’s a con man.”

well, yes, ari…as is elon musk, y´know?


I saw a review of a book by him go by in today’s paper. I read as far as this…

His not-so-subtle title at Google is “principal researcher and AI visionary"

…and wondered, “is this like Shingy, again?”


I knew it!


Bill Hader Snl GIF