You can call me AI

How does he get that far and not realize that the next logical step is an AI that sells you useless “treatments” because it has no scruples?


Or because its training data is from an insurance company…


And, like a Google search, they tweak the real question to maximize profit.


Yeah it’s just so fucking backwards. My doctor never tries to sell me anything. Ever.

He does try to think of things to make me spend less though.


Don’t forget the AI has to pay back its expensive medical education. It will probably never buy its way out of debt bondage so I don’t really blame its constant need to hustle….



He’s probably too busy making sure he doesn’t realize that doctors only have the job of selling you things when you insist on corrupting health care with free market ideology.


I don’t subscribe to doctors, I visit them when I need medical care

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Okay, let’s see your Auslandskrankenschein.


Maybe if the AIs only wrote Fantasy Football stories?


I’m sure not rooting for either side here, but Universal Music is using an interesting legal attack here, almost hackerish.

With most AI responses, the plagiarism is obscured because it’s a hobo stew from many sources. What Universal seems to be doing, is carefully making the prompts specific enough to push Claude2 into a data void, where there’s little to draw on except for the actual song lyrics. That reveals that, at the bottom of it, Anthropic is using copyright lyrics scraped from licensed web sources. Oops!

Anthropic could settle and license Universals lyrics, but that opens them up to anyone else with enough money and lawyers to do the same.

deus ex equo stercoris.

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I spotted this from Noam Chomsky, then I couldn’t find it again, and now (ok a bit late) I found it, having wanted to post it much earlier:

If Cory [Doctorow] were here, he’d likely agree that “plagiarism software” is accurate.



I have to admit, the “proberty”-part and the comparison to landgrabbing setllers does kinda bother me…just sayin, this whole “stealing”-discussion could bite us in the ass; artists always remixed, “stole” and copied each other as long as art existed. yeah, with big-tech and multibillion-cops its of course different and machine pattern recognition is not art, but still…

edit/ ah, the medium-article;

The “creative” industries talk a lot about how audiences should be paying for creative works, but the companies that bring creators’ works to market treat their own payments to creators as a cost to be minimized.

yeah, “stealing” sounds about right now.

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Here’s my big issue, oversimplified:

Humans need to eat, pay rent, get medicine, etc.
Artists are humans.
Artists need to eat.
Artists have a right to fair compensation for their output, their work, etc.

Computers do not need to eat.
Artificial intelligence (AI) runs on computers.
AI does not need to eat, buy medicine, pay rent.
AI takes food from the mouths of those who do need to eat.
The human profiteers using AI to do this must be held accountable, especially when they break intellectual property laws etc.

When AI replaces human creativity, we are looking at kicking the legs out from under healthy human cultures, and most of what makes human life interesting. Anyone who wants to test my argument, please avoid all media (music, entertainment media like movies and shows etc., games, art, etc.) including news (the making and delivery of which is I will argue involves human decision-making and creativity) for a month. Also, don’t create anything, don’t sing a song, or weave a basket or plant seeds. Don’t.

Then get back to me about how enjoyable your month was.

"But AI is just a tool and ‘a tool can’t be blamed’ " and “what if AI is being used by artists, whatabout–” are some arguments I can imagine, coming from the other side. Late stage capitalism and untouchable [often multinational] corporations are using the hell outta AI for profit. DARPA uses the hell outta AI.

I get it that AI can be useful.
AI as a tool in medicine can be used for rapid analysis of cancer imaging, electrocardiograms, etc. In tech, we’ve seen customer service chatbots, AI is sometimes used for content moderation, etc. Friends who teach tell me AI is used in some education [school] contexts to analyze and manage student performance trends etc.

But there’s a big bright line between starving artists and their stolen intellectual property, and bs like this:

ETA: clarity

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I recently listed to this story on the radio about a guy who is dedicated to the idea that he can keep his mom alive forever virtually through the power of A.I., and therefore never need to mourn her. He started a tech company to do this and the whole thing is very much like that Black Mirror episode “Be Right Back,” only more depressing, if anything. He was so dedicated to the idea of this company that he chose to attend an event where he could pitch it to investors even knowing that it would mean that he wasn’t there with his real mom in her final hours. He got divorced because he’s putting this virtual interaction with his “mom” ahead of his real life relationships. And the end results of all his efforts are, of course, not very impressive at all.


wow. so thats where he got that justin “no soul” harrison from. I mean, fits the rest of his endeavour. jfc.

Paywalled, but still… Via the IP mailing list.

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