You can call me AI


Wait! I thought theft was a good thing necessary for disruption and innovation?
What happened Midjourney?


Followed by LLM defenses, and LLM judges, each with an invisible finger on the proprietary scales.


Just when you thought Elon buying Twitter would be the end of malignant assholes buying social media companies

“OpenAI could use TikTok to help train its AI models if a partner such as Kotick could raise the capital for such an acquisition,” the WSJ said. In any case, there are questions over the likelihood that the bill will pass both the House and the Senate, although President Biden has said he would sign the legislation if Congress passed it.


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cant quite believe the chinese goverment would let that happen.

If buying something means you don’t really own it - pirating isn’t theft.

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What? I can’t believe it!

OpenAI’s GPT Is a Recruiter’s Dream Tool. Tests Show There’s Racial Bias (Bloomberg)

The gist:


This is an application I like:

  • Identify cars, bikes, and pedestrians
  • Alert riders audibly about cars “Following,” “Approaching,” and “Overtaking”
  • Issue visual warning to drivers who are approaching too close or too fast
  • Send visual notifications and a simplified rear road view to an optional paired smartphone
  • Record 1080p video and tag “close calls” and “incidents” from your phone

Now… add “fills in the many pages of a RoadWatch report and submits the data to police with video”, and we’re cooking with gas. (…or is it induction these days?)

That’s been on my list for a while. I think the first thing to train an “AI” (“automated intelligence” in my world) to do is spot and report bad driving. The resulting deluge of reports, the swamped traffic courts, and liability issues would likely be enough to force some serious discussions on the externalized cost of car transport, and perhaps spur some serious work on road safety, public transit and alternate urban design.


Morto for the CTO. “I’m actually not sure about that”.

She realised that she had said “publicly available” and “licensed” rather than public domain. (ETA - only my guess)

Of fucking course you just used YouTube unlicensed. Sure that’s what YT is/was: take other people’s stuff and profit off it until you are the biggest thing out there and too big to fail. Steal until you are too rich to jail.


Piiri pieni pyörii
lapset siinä hyörii
Sormet sanoo so so so
kengän kannat ko ko ko

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Came here to post this. Especially since I agree on the last line:

This research should be required reading for anyone involved in their rollout.

Also: as far as I am aware, you can decide in Google’s chatbot if you want responses on the fly or by block. Which might make it vulnerable against this side-channel attack, maybe?

What could possibly go wrong? Law and Order thru the eyes of text scraped from 4chan or Reddit?

According to the company’s website, Truleo is being used with dozens of law enforcement agencies across the country.


“It captures audio only, and transcribes every word that the body-worn camera catches — every word,” Davis told the supervisors.

[Playback] <sounds of gunfire>
:policeman:t4: Hands up!
[Truleo System] Officer clearly said, “Hands up!” No interaction problem detected.

Tisha Campbell Gina GIF by Martin




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