Young people finally fleeing Facebook, say researchers

That’s what Discord groups are for :slight_smile:


Ugh, don’t I know it.

“OK, so I’m sending out a group notice…”
“What, on Facebook?? Everyone’s on Telegram now.”
“Ok, I’m on Telegram, so…”
“Too late! Discord’s where everyone’s at now.”
“Hey folks, I’m on Discord and…”
“Why are you on Discord? We’re on all Twitch, old man.”


Discord has been around for a bit but its main use is for text and voice chat. It has excellent voice functionality. You can run it on your phone, or even browser without installing anything.

I currently have a general friend group i’m in and there’s a D&D group we have to organize our sessions.

I guess you could say its like Slack but nicer.


I forgot about Slack, that’s another one. The big problem right now is that everyone has their favorite group-chat app that other people absolutely refuse to use. Facebook is a security nightmare, Telegram’s too goofy, Twitch is too gamer-y, Slack’s too tech-y…


Am I the only one who sees Jeremy Clarkson in the Trump-Zuckerberg combo?

I’d say Discord’s main audience is gamers but i know non-gamer groups use it for its chat and voice chat functionality (Boing Boing has a discord server) and i really like it. If you don’t use it that’s alright, i mainly started using it because i got tired of using Steam to chat with some online friends.


Yep there’s some weird instagram posts that are about “weird/fun” facts now. It’s just sad that folks can’t leave other folks alone to enjoy what they like.


You seem to be confused. Free speech doesn’t mean you get an audience or a platform from any private entity. Let me show you the wording of the first amendment.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Notice the Congress part? It doesn’t say Google, Facebook, Apple, and etc shall make no ToS/EULA? It’s Congress shall make no law, not private entities shall not whack you with the ban hammer. This is something you all on the right get wrong whether or not it’s intentional. You think by extrapolation the first amendment means you get protection to say anything anywhere at any time. You can say what you want but if the Mall cop is gonna escort you out for harassing other folks then you got no case. Similarly, Google can escort you off their site in a similar manner. There’s no due process in either situation unless you’ve setup a contract with them and even then private arbitration is likely to still not side with you. That’s just reality.

Now if you want to talk about the government chilling free speech like they did with SESTA or any other law or regulation I’m game but if you continue to lie and say that corporations magically gotta apply the US constitution to their internal processes beyond what’s explicitly stipulated per law then I’m going to tell you to buzz off like the rest of the community. And no, that’s not a violation of your free speech either.


I’ve really noticed a decline in Facebook use in my cohort (30-35 y/o). Most of us haven’t deleted our accounts, but we rarely use it. The app has changed a lot in the past ten years; My feed is almost all ads and shit from people I don’t know.


Everybody is fleeing Facebook - and other privacy- and data-compromised social networks.

For me FB is still the most convenient place to keep up with family and friends. I can throw a photo up from my phone and keep anyone who is interested informed of whatever I’m up to with a single effort. I don’t check FB every day, though my wife does.

I do see this trend with our kids. They seem more interested in using immediate comms, like Instagram or Twitter, than FB. Heck, MySpace was the major incumbent once upon a time. FB could follow them into obscurity.

You mean no one uses ICQ anymore?


Young people have each other’s phone numbers in their contacts lists. They don’t need a web site or app to keep in touch. It’s not like people change their phone numbers when they move.

No but last time i looked IRC seemed to be in use still

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could be worse. could be Teams.


Did anyone else’s brain go here?


Most of the young folk I know (i.e., the peer group of kermujin jr., 21-27) never use FB but have not deleted it because Messenger is damn handy (like, for instance, if one lives in an area with crappy cell service but plenty of wifi ahem). Almost none of the youngs I know have the FB app on their favoured device; just Messenger.


I’ll second this. If nothing else, the FB app is known to eat battery life horribly. FB Messenger is used the way WhatsApp is used in other countries.



44% of younger AMERICAN users (those ages 18 to 29) 0.7% of facebooks total user base
four times the share of AMERICAN users ages 65 and older (12%) who have done so 0.2% of Facebooks total user base

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I think my number was 6773752.
I can did up ICQ 99a…wonder if it works.