Originally published at: Young teen boys just revealed they are behind popular Covid tracker in Australia | Boing Boing
A Wonderful Thing! ™ Yay. Less shrieking Covidiots, more of this, please!
This was meant for BoingBoing editors, but reality please take note too.
The kids are alright.
I love you guys. Has it dawned on you that you three boys are role models for every other kid in the world? And you’re still you, three friends having fun with your curiosity and abilities. I wish you the best in life and thanks guys, amazing work. We, the world, need you!
This just made my day. Love seeing that these kids can take on big responsibilities and deliver.
Keep up the good work gentlemen, good things await for you!
That shit will get them into the Uni of their choice!
fellas, well done. please continue to use your powers for good as you get older.
FTFY - have to really encourage this non-hesitant behavior.
Thank you, young gentlemen! You rock!!!
Australia is truly a land of extremes. One example: It produced these three super-teens… and Rupert Murdoch.
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