YouTube permanently bans Right Wing Watch

I’d better keep this previous comment of mine saved, given the number of times I have to re-post it.


They’ve apparently been reinstated. Word here:


There’s a semiconductor shortage, and People for the American Way is a donor-funded advocacy group with less than a hundred employees and expenses that already use their annual budget. If the megacoporations that have spent hundreds of billions of dollars hoarding the limited resources to host and serve high-bandwidth computer-intensive content aren’t the right place to archive the same fuckery that the Alt Reich very much sees as the right place to publish it, then where exactly do you expect the archivists to put it?


They have. Like in 2008 or so. When they first setup automated fucking over creators. It banned a lot of WWII documentaries for spreading nazi propaganda.


Why not? It has a far reach. Given the amount of right wing bullshit that is pumped out of Youtube on a daily basis, if groups like RWW don’t push back against it, then we’ve lost.

And yes, this was a decison someone at Youtube made to remove anti-fascist materials. We need to stop acting like shit just happens and pay attention to the decisions that are made by tech companies. They are making active choices that have had dangerous consequences.


Fascist are the real victims, amirite? /s


I think part of it is that these companies ARE incompetent and let their algorithms run out of control, so it sounds entirely plausible that it could just be negligence. Social media platforms have practically built a reputation of incompetence, inconsistency and the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing, and now they’re using it as a shield to deflect blame for their deliberate right-wing bias.

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It cannot be purely algorithmic. I’ve personally flagged Prager U videos enough that they should have long been banned, but someone at YT is reviewing them and letting them stand.


Someplace that’s not dependent on the whims of a megacorporation. Bittorrent.

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But it’s not just archival, it’s public awareness.


Citation provided


Could care less about victimhood or the righteousness of their actions, but if you admit YouTube objectively does take action against fascists and right wingers, how is that “supplicating to conservatives”?

It’s a disingenuous argument. They are self-censoring because they are concerned with avoiding any controversy whatsoever.


YouTube is not Facebook, Facebook is clearly willing to cozy up to fascists and throw their hat into political sphere.

Sorry, Webster has always acknowledged both; look, now I can bring Chomsky into two conversations in this thread!


So the article you linked to says that the ban was overturned. Did you not read the article you linked to or is this more of clickbaity title?

They are run by people who constantly and desperately supplicate to conservatives in a futile quest to be liked and accepted by them.

Citation needed. If this were true, Trump would still be on Twitter.

I hope all the people doing reputation management for the poor little tech companies are getting paid.


Oh, that’s cute, you think Trump is conservative. Ahahahahahahaha.

Facebook VP of Global Policy, Joel Kaplan, friend of Brett Kavanaugh, has spent the last decade ensuring that “regular conservatives” and their further-right siblings completely dominate Facebook feeds, regardless of how untrue and openly rule-breaking their posts are. To add the poop cherry to the poop cake, Facebook brought on far-right Bucket Charlatan’s group to act as “fact checkers”.

YouTube executives have repeatedly personally intervened to reinstate utter dingdongs like Stewey Chowder. The YouTube algorithm was heavily weighted to promote and protect far-right groups who buy ads, like Davis Plauger’s PlaugerYou.

Twitter moderation routinely suspends the targets of harassment by far-right groups and lets the harassers skate by. (Outsourcing moderation to low-paid, highly stressed out workers in a far-right country will have that effect, it turns out)


Fixed that one for you. If Twitter hadn’t been bending over backwards for him, he’d have been banned long before running for president.