YouTube shooter was vegan fitness YouTuber angry company had demonetized her videos

I say that as the average person has no idea what the laws are.

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Or being a victim in one.

Like I said before, at this rate, it’s only a matter of time before a gun show or an NRA convention gets shot up.


Her averred religion was the most shocking thing to me. Admittedly anecdotal, but the Baha’i communities I’m familiar with are among the most peaceful and hardworking Americans I’ve had the privilege of knowing.

Separately, Baha’i are emphatically not Muslim, and have had to flee Islamic theocracies en mass because of persecution arguably worse than what those theocrats visit on Christians because as a group they’re seen as apostates which are typically treated significantly worse than infidels whether the characterization is accurate or not.

Anyway, this is proof that any group of humans can have murderous assholes.

This is true, but centrists and the left are by no means all above sexist remarks.

Oh, I think the media are more than happy to give shooters the celebrity they seek.


You do realize that that is exactly the day they are waiting for, right? First because a lot of the people who go to gun shows are also the sort of people who are certain that they’ll one day need them,. Second because that gunman will be shot up to 50 other random guys with guns, thereby enshrining the “good guy with a gun” notion.

Remember when that islamophobic organization practically begged someone to attack a speaking tour in Garland, TX? Those two didn’t even make it into the building.

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Actually, every show I have been to doesn’t allow open or concealed carry, and if you brought in stuff to sell or trade, it has to be checked in by the cops an zipped tied to prevent its use. Every gun on the tables and sold are also zip tied or uses those braided wires or other lock to prevent use.

Granted there may still be armed people other than cops, but still, it isn’t as wild west as one might expect.


Exactly. I can be arrested if my kid is missing too much school (fact)…but parents are not held responsible for their childrens’ real crimes.

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Same here.


FTFY because I don’t actually think there is any policy at all, unless you mean scapegoating, otherwise completely agree.

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I live in Texas. The gun shows are exactly as wild west as you’d expect.

The funnel cake vendor was a pleasant surprise though.


I think that the mental health aspect of events like this is a smoke screen, in that “Obviously this person is crazy, or they wouldn’t do something like this.” It is also a way of othering them, so that we do not actually have to think about the whys and wherefores. If she/he is crazy, then that is the explanation, no more need be said. Of course, this only applies to white people. Black and brown folks don’t get that benefit, they “just prove the inherent violence of their (race, religion, etc.)”


Oh come now, your chance of being a victim is at least five times higher. After all, it wouldn’t be a mass shooting if there weren’t multiple victims.

“Liberals love abortion so much I’m surprised they aren’t happy these kids were killed!”

Yeah, some just at a greater concentration than others.

And once people start shooting it will be entirely unclear who the “shooter” is and the whole thing could turn into a bloodbath.

If you want anyone to understand what you are saying, you need to do more than provide a link and then quote/paraphrase the content of that link. Are you agreeing with the link? Suggesting that it’s a foolish view? Suggesting it is a common view among “leftists” or gun-control advocates?

Honestly I have no idea. I mean, it’s obvious on its face that a person who believes they are being persecuted (whether they are in reality being persecuted or not) is more likely to be violent than if they did not believe they were being persecuted. But then it just goes weird. Because we live in basically a post-satire world, I have no way of even guessing whether the content was intended as a joke or not, or whether you think it’s a joke.


I know LOTS of gun owners, LOTS & LOTS of gun owners. With only one exception, they leave their rifles & shotguns casually leaning against a wall of their bedroom closet and their pistols in dresser drawers or laundry room cabinets, right next to the boxes of ammo.

I only know ONE responsible gun owner (ex-Navy, keeps 'em locked up in the gun safe at all times), but he’s married to an inept, clumsy retired teacher with bad eyesight & a hair-trigger temper - who carries a gun in her purse. I know (…counting…) seven - strike that - eight women walking around Denver with guns in their purses right now. They have ‘problems’. But no one would diagnose them as mentally ill. Two and half of them give off the crazy vibe to even a casual observer, but they function well enough you couldn’t flunk them from getting a permit or force them into seeking help. I assume that they’re eventually going to get shot when the dog in the back seat paws their special ‘conceal/carry’ purse.

…not all of the irresponsible gun owners I personally know are women, Republicans, American citizens, or even white. Only three are hunters. They’re everywhere, they just don’t feel comfortable talking about it unless they assume (incorrectly, in my case) they’re around a friendly audience. How much more frightening are the gun owners who will ALWAYS slip through the cracks…


$hit! You just reminded me of when I worked for a junk shop - I mean, antique dealer - who a had a Federal Firearms permit to resell guns. Luckily, I came and went there before the next semi-annual gun sale came up, but they had a hand-written sign up all year-round: “Please do not dry fire the guns”. There was no security.

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Now we can start blaming vegan fitness nuts, too.

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Let’s gloss over that you just mentioned specific measures that fall under gun control as you know it.

This is a feature, not a bug. Language is a fine tool that is hardly ever gets wielded with any precision in real life, we do so much better when the person we’re talking to actually wants to understand us.
Using vague positions in good faith conversations disincentives a rational “opponent” from dismissing your position out of hand until you’ve had a chance to elaborate on it.
The problem is some people have already made up their minds about what “gun control” means. This is a sign of bad faith not bad communication.

It’s like we’re the same person.


Almost word-for-word from one of the LinkedIn comments on the topic.

Maybe we are…