YouTube shooter was vegan fitness YouTuber angry company had demonetized her videos

Not a deterrent, but an incentive.


Not giving people what they crave can be a deterrent, and even if it wasn’t, they shouldn’t be celebrated anyway. Our country has a seriously pathological obsession with mass murderers.


Well, they’re easy to blame, just on general principles.

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My anecdote is that the two worst personalities I’ve ever known have had that hobby in common. One of the two was a bona fide poisoner of her perceived enemies. The other, well I didn’t stick around once I caught whiff of the trifecta of ‘imperfection makes one bad or wrong’, ‘veganism is the only true god’, and ‘yogini’. Now, I’m not saying it’s a guaranteed recipe for violent outbursts…

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we’re a death cult christian nation

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It’s like the old joke: an atheist, a vegan, and a CrossFit guy walk into a bar. I know this, because they told everybody.


Because that would make the jewish conspiracy white.

Why, it’s almost as if dividing humans into races was invented by slavers and codified by imperialists and now we are stuck with it and it is terrible and has nothing to do with biology! Imagine that!

(Sarcasm not targeted at post which is very informative.)


The overwhelming majority of gun owners do act like responsible adults. And by gun owners I mean lawful gun owners, not gang-banger Chicago by way of Indiana gun owners. With 300,000,000-some guns in private ownership in the U.S. it would be news pretty quick if all of a sudden we all stopped acting responsibly.

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IDK where you live or who you hang with, but I too know LOTS & LOTS of gun owners and not one of them is casual w/firearms/potential menace to themselves and others as you describe. Perhaps your county gun board or sheriff would be interested in the details of these violations of storage and carry laws. The life you save could be your own.

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so you mean hypothetical good guys with guns, and not [screeching dogwhistle]?



Engage this way with other gun owners, specifically the ones running their mouths. That would be news pretty quick. You’re not afraid to for any reason, right?

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Well, a couple of them are my neighbors, and if the cops weren’t lackadaisical, this wouldn’t be ‘The Bad Neighborhood.’ The others (like the retired teacher) are former or current house-sitting gigs, and therefore are at least middle-class.

I have absolutely no doubt that if I told the cops, I’d wind up like the kid in New Jersey, getting the Alien Anal Probe in full view of passing motorists.

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Oh, yeah - the Colorado state legislature is currently debating whether to allow concealed carry WITHOUT a permit.

I learned how to sew in Home Ec. I’m toying with the idea of making Kevlar Bronco’s hoodies.

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The recognition of Jesus Christ as a true and correct prophet for his time and place is a core tenet of Islam in the same way that recognition of Moses as a true and correct prophet for his time and place is a core tenet of Christianity.

Baha’i very explicitly grew from an Islamic sect who themselves believed a true and correct prophet for their time and place would arrive soon - Baha’i just extrapolated that belief to every prophet ever being true and correct for their time and place.


Oh God. Can you imagine the utter chaos that will erupt, as people will be shooting at who they think is the shooter, and others are shooting at them, and the cops have no way of telling the good guys with a gun from the bad guys with a gun, because there is no meaningful difference when everyone’s waving a gun around.

The chances of it turning into an absolute, blood-drenched clusterfuck are staggeringly, and depressingly, high.


I was a little confused by this. I looked at the article:

Feminist-identified women with anti-transgender politics are convinced that Aghdam is trans

Convinced that she was trans. That’s some over-the-top disgusting transphobia right there. Not enough to hate people who are trans, got to convince yourself that people are trans because you hate them.

I think it’s probably more likely that everyone just dives for cover and the uniformed security/police deal with the shooter, but, you know, only in like a 70/30 way, not like 99%. Either way, the wealth of good guys with guns are not going to be helping.


We’re in good company with all of the other folks being subjected to the Neanderthals projection on this.

Strike that - the Neanderthals were more advanced and less deplorable.


That’s a name I hadn’t thought about in awhile, TO THE INTERNET!

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