What you are labeling as judgey also happens to be a god damn fact. Eating fast food every day is shitty for the human body and leads to a host of issues.
But sure…let’s just ignore that and read into as me a judgmental fuck instead.
Hey kid…I take it back eat all the fucking fast food you want. Because lord knows any comment made is going to be labeled as judgmental.
The point is not everyone can afford to eat well, because it takes time and money. The point is people are poor and get paid shit and work 80 hours a week to try and feed their families as best they can and fail over and over and over again, because the standards are set by people with money and power.
The point is that the system sucks and is designed to make you look down on the poor and disenfranchised. The point is that the system is fucked and stacked against people who are not white, and wealthy and male and cisgendered.
Yeah, I get that, but that’s a terrible cartoon to convey that message. In panel 12 she ends up eating the rubbish food from panel five because, why? What does voluntarily eating shit food achieve, exactly? I wish healthy and nutritious food was affordable and/or people had the time and knowledge to cook good meals. I’m in favour of a living wage, unions, and affordable living standards. But you’re saying that in the meantime I shouldn’t support companies that are heading in that direction?