Yu-Gi-Oh! creator Kazuki Takahashi died while attempting to save the lives of people drowning

Originally published at: Yu-Gi-Oh! creator Kazuki Takahashi died while attempting to save the lives of people drowning | Boing Boing




Riptides are terrifying. People underestimate the power of water, particularly of the ocean. I honestly don’t know if i could ignore people drowning either, but if it helps anyone there are strategies for surviving one. Having a floating device helps immensely, if you don’t have one and get caught in one relax and try to float without using too much of your energy



I live very near there and it doesn’t surprise me at all; I knew he died near here and suspected that might have been the spot. I’ve done a lot of diving at Mermaid’s Grotto (Apogama, as it’s known locally), and any time the ocean isn’t perfectly flat the rip current in that site is extremely dangerous. We don’t do that dive in any but the clearest conditions because it’s taken quite a few lives. Usually it’s American servicemen who don’t know how to read the conditions or just decide they’re too tough to care, but just a couple of days ago one of the graduate students at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology drowned there while swimming with his parents, who were visiting.

In what is sure to be an exciting turn of events, there’s a huge resort being built in that spot right now. I’m going to be really surprised if that doesn’t result in a lot of dead tourists.


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