Yuu Baal Jóven Espadín: mezcal with notes of green vegetation and a mineral aroma

Originally published at: Yuu Baal Jóven Espadín: mezcal with notes of green vegetation and a mineral aroma | Boing Boing


I’m working on my Mezcal palate. It’s still not my favorite drinking straight, compared to whiskey (usually bourbon or rye for me) but I’ll get there, I imagine.
At the moment, I do enjoy making a cocktail out of it. Basically the same thing I do with 100% agave tequila (which I also do not generally enjoy straight) in so far as I use a mixing vessel with ice, the booze and then add some lime juice, orange juice, dash of Cointreau, shake and pour into a rocks glass over ice.
I also like putting just a little bit of jalapeno in the bottom of the mixer.
Mezcal makes a really nice simple cocktail, and I do like the flavor difference between that and “silver” tequila.
Side note, I swear this is true, but if you like making tequila cocktails, the Kirkland silver is really good.
The last mezcal we bought was the below. I made drinks with it over the weekend like above:


Sounds inadvisable, will consider marinating steak with it and pineapple if I eat that again sometime, certainly better than methylpentacene ammonium lead bromide triiodide (or being bursar for a D.C. Comics production, then trying to make it pay off in lurican film actors.)

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a mineral aroma

So, it smells like rocks? Sounds, um, just great.

Also common and desired by a lot of people (myself included) in a lot of wines.
For instance “minerally” is a common theme in many a Sancerre or new world Sauv Blancs made in the same style.

“Sancerre is often compared to neighboring Pouilly-Fumé which also specializes in 100% Sauvignon blanc wines, and while there are some differences, wine experts like Robinson, Johnson and Karen MacNeil note that only very experienced tasters can distinguish the differences in a blind tasting.[6][13] Broadly speaking, Sancerre tends to have a fuller body with more pronounced aromas, while Pouilly-Fumé wines are more perfumed. However, both wines have naturally high acidity and the potential to exhibit the minerally, flinty notes described as pierre à fusil or gunflint, as well as citrus and spicy notes.”


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