15-20% of Xmas gifts are crap

Many of the loose ends are resolved in the “Return of the Gift of the Magi”, a little known sequel.


Sounds like you are longing for a more Japanocentric attitude towards gift giving.

(Those apples cost 20 dollars each. But they are without flaw, and thus suitable for giving as gifts).

I think you have a strong argument, but you’re assuming that at minimum the gift receiver will at least appreciate “the thought”, and that the giver had “a thought” to count.

I once received an utterly garish cake serving plate that still had icing on it from a relative. Gratitude and “connecting” did not, I admit, figure in my emotional reaction to receiving it, and I sincerely doubt they were very thoughtful about the giving of it.

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Outside of Star Trek 80% efficiency is fantastic. Is there a senior level required class for Economics called “401: Consistently Missing the Point”?


The technical term is Civet.

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The true meaning of Christmas is not in the acquisition of material things but in the feeling of alienation upon unwrapping poorly-chosen gifts from the people who should know us best.


I used to beg my parents not to give me gifts. They never seemed to take that seriously. Later in life, I’d say that what I wanted for Christmas, or my birthday, was just socks, which they’d laugh about – but, at least sometimes, I got some nice socks.

For years, my parents suffered financially. But, under the burden of social expectations, and feeling sympathy for my financial difficulties, they tried to buy me very nice gifts that they couldn’t really afford. I felt terribly guilty about even the gifts that were useful, that filled a real need. But the gifts that weren’t useful, were even greater sources of pain. I knew they were meant to be expressions of love, but I’d have preferred just a hug.


I mean I’m surprised to learn that only about 15-20% of Christmas gifts are crap. I though more like 50% was crap.


I actually used to give pretty bad gifts until I took the dollar limit off and started keeping a list early in the year (or buying early). I found a free app that let’s me plan what I buy for each person so as I hear of a book I think someone will appreciate or they mention something they want in passing I jot it down.

But now that I have gotten good at it I find myself angry at the other people who buy me something last minute out of a novelty catalog and I feel my spirit of Christmas is still relatively low.
Ho ho ho.


Figuratively, yes. However, 15-20% are literal feces. That garden ‘ain’t gonna’ fertilize itself.

I do have a box of rhino poop for the growing in of a banana tree given to me by my sister, so…
(sadly, we will have no bananas, as the, errrr… ‘tropical’ section of the house is otherwise occupied… :smiley: )

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