I’m kinda sorry Tony Shalhoub dropped out. All we have is one tantalizing still from his only day on the set.
I was laughing like a drain. Steve Buscemi is one of my favourite actors; I’d love to see him star in some romantic action film.
Yes yes! Likety like like!
goes well with my upcoming Facebook Event Thingy. https://www.facebook.com/events/704221319676853/?ref=2&ref_dashboard_filter=upcoming&source=1
Wow. There are a bunch of Steve Buscemi films I haven’t seen!
This is a good look for him
He’s my favorite off-kilter actor. Even in silly roles like on 30 Rock. The world can always use more Buscemi.
Oh, and ever since finishing Pirate Cinema last week, it’s all I can think of when I see these smash-ups.
Let’s help!
Is that Ghost World?
I’ll have to give it a watch. Odd that I could recognise a film I haven’t seen from a random still
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