A gay guy and his mom go to a brothel, and have a good time


ā€œThat is the most Americans sentence youā€™ll read all dayā€

Damn! Itā€™s so easy to forget what a weird place I come from. I guess If it werenā€™t so easy to forget, weā€™d all want to try to be less unusual.

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If I owned that ā€œsleeps 12ā€ bed from the Asian Room, my wife would still end up with all the space and all the covers.


Places like are what give me a bit of hope when it comes to sex being less taboo in the US. Iā€™m generally of the mind that prostitution is never going away - the biological desire for sex is something incredibly powerful. By forcing sex workers to be illegal it removes the ability for them to be protected by society and ā€˜otherizesā€™ them, not to mention the terrible society of pimps that pops up in places like that.

From what Iā€™ve heard, most legal brothels tend to be much better for the workers and the staff. The women arenā€™t worried about being beaten or murdered, the clientele appreciate a much nicer environment, and everyoneā€™s happy. Iā€™m happily married now but when I was single and busy, I would have appreciated having a place to go find some temporary physical intimacy.


ā€œPresident Eisenhower celebrates 40th wedding anniversary. Not pictured: Mrs. Eisenhower.ā€

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In my case, it would be the catsā€¦


I have a king sized bed and my cat still sleeps on my face. (And I spoon with the dog).


This headline is going to make the Huffing BoingBoing thread a whole lotta fun.


No. The most American sentence is the one that contains ā€œdifferential reverenceā€. Deferential not being a part of the American vocabulary.


$40/day for room and board, and the house gets half the gross? That hardly seems fair. One or the other, maybe.

For some reason Iā€™m picturing a cigar rather than a cigarette.


I picture a long old-fashioned ebony cigarette holder.

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The phrase ā€œdifferential reverenceā€ reflects the American worship of all things automotive,


You thought that too? I did consider working it in, but couldnā€™t think of anything efficient. Vonnegutian American stereotyping further compounded.


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