Badass Space Dragon 2.0 - Registration

                         Unizone Corporation
                      General Services Contract
    * Vessel Information *
        1.) Name of vessel:_T̲h̲e̲_F̲o̲i̲l̲____ 
        2.) Please select the attribute that best describes your ship:
            [Sneaky, Fast, Powerful, Durable, Lucky] 

At first glance you would think lucky. As in 'it's lucky to continue existing' but even though it's not more than a jumped-up soap bubble, she's Durable and that's no lie.
        3.) Description of previous work experience in haiku:

Confused Hologram,
Bloody Rainbow-Bubble Ship,

    *Captain Information*
        4.) Full Name:__A̲n̲t̲o̲n̲y̲_M̲c̲G̲o̲v̲e̲n̲______ 
        5.) Identity Class:
            [Human, Space Lizard, Space Lobster, Space Moose]

Human. Currently appear to be a hologram projected from beyond the edge of the know universe. Unsure of how this happened, memory decidedly foggy on that topic. Otherwise physically able.
        6.) Are you over 20% on the cyborg spectrum (N)

No. Small dose of nano-bots which still seem to work. Not quite sure how, being holographic and all. It's quite confusing.
    *Signing Bonus*
        7.) Would you like to immediately receive your signing bonus of Ƀ.015 (Space Bits) now or would you like to wait and receive Ƀ.030 as a deferred bonus?

        8.) How much, if any, of your signing bonus should be applied to greasing the random number generator during the character creation phase?

Assign all deferred earnings stemming from signing bonus directly to 'grease'.
    By submitting this application document to the Unizone Corporation, you agree to serve faithfully under the Terms and Conditions of our Endless User License Agreement.

Drawing of ship to follow.