Badass Space Dragon 2.0 - Registration

I choose not to give out my life history, suffice it to say I was formerly in the employ of ICUP, but no longer. My methods were effective, but it seems I upset some of my superiors and they shunted me sideways into a backwater system to chase no-name smugglers. That insult sat poorly with me, so I decided to go freelance - and I’ve met with success there too, perhaps even a little too much. I became too much of an embarassment to ICUP, and I am obliged to move somewhere that better appreciates my talents.

I heard that there was a newly independent region, full of interesting opportunities, so here I am, looking to take some. Stay out of my way, and I’ll stay out of yours. Unless, of course, you start to look like a…good investment.

1.) Name of vessel: A Certain… Moral Flexibility Would Be The Only Way To Describe It

2.) Please select the attribute that best describes your ship: Sneaky

3.) Description of previous work experience in haiku:

Was Marshal. Moved On.
Freelance Privateer/Smuggler. 
Seeking Pastures New.

Captain Information

4.) Full Name: Watford Gap

5.) Identity Class: Human

6.) Are you over 20% on the cyborg spectrum (Y/N): I have many cybernetic…enhancements. And never had any complaints.

Signing Bonus

7.) Would you like to immediately receive your signing bonus of ?.015 (Space Bits) now or would you like to wait and receive ?.030 as a deferred bonus? Show me the money.

8.) How much, if any, of your signing bonus should be applied to greasing the random number generator during the character creation phase? All of it. Let 'em roll.