Badass Space Dragon 2.0 - Registration

Part of many crews
Signed on to many a ship
Only Jacques remains

The Entropy, the last operating ship of the Entropy-class scout cruisers, now eponymous with its class. While normally requiring a 78-person crew to operate, the former captain and chief engineer built a card based command interface called TAROT which allows full operation of the ship (if somewhat poorly) from a single console. This proved fortuitous, as the first test of the TAROT system ended in a disaster that left all of the crew, save third mate Jacques, dead or lost in space.

The Entropy-class itself, and the Entropy in particular, have a wide-spread reputation in the galaxy for being, despite being reasonably well built, extremely unlucky.

“Captain” Jacques Malchance: Human, Unaugmented

Deferred bonus: cannot afford any grease.