Badass Space Dragon 2.0 - Round 5 - Severance


transfer b50.0 to @rkt88edmo

Captain Rkt88 Edmo started with a balance b9.5 at the Community Bank. The second b5.0 disbursement of the loan apparently did not arrive. Canceling the principal and interest leads to a balance of b9.5 - b5.0 - b0.5 = b4.5 b4.0,

The Awesomating Overthruster now has a balance of b54.0 at the community bank. A repayment of b59.4 is expected at the start of the next round.

The current Community Fund balance is b160.9,

Jacques Malchance @ratel has been approved for up to b50.0.

Capt. Browf @glutnix. has been pre-approved b50.0 of his requested b77.0 Capt Browf: perhaps you can get a private loan of b27.0 form some other captain for the remainder of your request?

We are still hoping to get proposals from @Felipe_Budinich and @newliminted.

– David Falkayn
interim Treasurer, Community Bank
Captain, Muddlin’ Through
Trade Representative, Polesotechnic League.

Self-Interested Co-operation is the Basis of All Success