Badass Space Dragon - Duck's Pond

Falkayn [Query - Familiar Handle??? Self-Similar Falkayn recorded in L-ESK seed-logs???]

Note. Conjectures viable - deeper analysis needed.

Unizone represents functional monopoly on credit and physical goods. External lines of credit less useful if unizone retains eminent control over fuel/stocks/resupplies. Provision of these materials is not in an open market - value can be effectively fluid - witness ‘Daily specials.’ Unizone is eminently positioned to fix these prices at its discretion. Debt can continue be incurred by cost of missions and supplies exceeding return.

Unizone’s position is also a monopsony - it is solitary market for labor/employment/contracts. Deeply inefficient.

Observation; current structure of unizone contracts are not zero-sum. No limit to contracts, no objective losers [unless hull-breach is accorded ‘loss’] - with no incentive for participation, organised non-participation becomes viable as tool for corralling unizone behaviour.

Observation - economic organisation naturally leads to political organisation.

Query - how ‘black box’ is unizone equipment?

Query - how much fun do trader’s want to have?


S’rah Kline

Junior Creative Partner (Specialisation || Abstruse Accounting, Political Matterware)

“And it’s away. Cathe - the comms network out here is turgid. Pre-pre-goldenage. They’re using shared key encyption, for Housesakes. I don’t think they even have the bare bones of a setup for Q-cryptography. Still, there’s something…”


“I was going to say ‘archaic’ but yeah - that sort of expresses it. A sense of what life would have been like in the housedawn, when they were rolling out after the Diaspora, and the vanishing tail of the Majidae. Unpredictable. Exciting.”


“You know what Senior 'Netch says; ‘Battle scars are -’”

“Battle stories - sure. But I don’t see why my stories need to be read out from a transcript of my rebirth-ledger. Besides. I like my skin - it took my three whole cycles to design properly.”

“… You lifted that design, Cathe, you pilferer.”

“… great artists, S’rah.”


“Hey, why do you always affect that, semi-aut robotic tone when you’re pondering coin and cashlines?”

“I don’t really know. Seems appropriate. Sound legitimate. Masks inconsistencies in my conclusions.”

"… great artists… "