Black ASU prof beaten by campus cops without provocation, charged with assault

This is heartbreaking to listen to and witness. I don’t care what your job is - if a person tells you “get off of me” you get off! Plain and simple. That officer could have easily held her arms behind her back without being on her in a way she found objectionable. Frankly, I don’t think that he had a reason to restrain her to begin with, but if he honestly felt he had to he could have handled this so much better. It’s obvious she felt harassed and didn’t like the way he approached her because likely he was singling her out. She didn’t fight back until they were aggressive and violent with her. The most sickening part of it all is that her cries are akin to rape victims who demand someone gets off of them and respects their personal space and they are never listened to. This blatant disregard for others, putting people in a position where they are intruded upon, has got to stop. That officer crossed boundaries and of course he probably won’t see any backlash for it. The fact that people are given this kind of power and abuse it is why people don’t trust the police anymore. My support is fully with her. I’m also kind of sickened that NOBODY stepped forward to help her, including the additional officer who seemed to only want to play good cop/bad cop with her.

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