Brain Rot: Hip Hop Family Tree, Martha Cooper and Henry Chalfant

huh, yeah, I could see that.

ok, I’ve got to google it now
most of the results say the Bible, but that sounds like the kind of thing that gets repeated for being ironic rather than true. Publisher’s Weekly says On the Road is one of them. They and Wikipedia agree that anything by Bukowski is number one, which I’m sure makes Buk smile up in heaven.

Subway Art doesn’t seem to rank, so looks like I got suckered by an urban myth. For those writers that wanted a copy, I’m pretty sure the majority of them got boosted, though. I know how I got mine. As the wiki says:

Constant wrote, "[F]iction that young white men read, and self-satisfied young white men, the kind who love to stick it to the man, are the majority of book shoplifters."2

I dunno that I was ever self-satisfied, but I suppose at the time I otherwise fit the profile ┐(´∀`)┌